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Why Low Carb Diets Work

You just got home, it is about 4 or 5 pm, dinner is hours away, you’ve decided to reduce the carbohydrate consumption in your diet, now what? What are you going to do? The chips, candy, and other carb-laden munchies are handy and sound good but are they? You know better. You should really aim for a low carb snack, high protein, healthy snack. You really need something to keep you satisfied until the next the evening meal. This times need to already planned out so that you don't start scurring to find something tasty with a high-carb content. There are many sorts of low carb diets on the market and many of them plan for such a time that I just fore mentioned. You menu plan should consist of all that is to be consumed for the entire week (or time frame planned ahead). It should already include the "snack moments" and be planned in advance exactly what is to be consumed and, just as important if not more important, it should be available.

Actually, you can eat until you are about full or even full on a low carb diet. You just have to be absolutely sure that you are eating foods that are "allowed". Most of the diet plans list those foods that are allowed which are usually foods like fresh raw fruits and vegetables, as well as meats, fish, poultry, eggs and cheese.

For years we have been programmed to think that fat is bad and carbs are good when in actuality the carbohydrates are the fat-maker. Yes, if you are on a low carb diet, you should get about 60 to 70 percent of your daily caloric intake from fat (not carbs). Carbohydrates should only be less than 10 percent, and a low as 5 percent, of your daily calorie intake.

If you are concerned about being overweight or you are concerned about diabetes, the low-calorie and low-fat diet that have been recommended by the government will not be the best diet for you. They do not work very well for optimizing you health. In many cases, they only work to make the conditions worse. A low carbohydrate diet is the only diet that safely be aimed at treating the conditions of obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, and type 2 diabetes. Some of the doctors are starting to wake up to this fact. Many of the nutritionists have known this for some time now.

The best part of this diet is that you decide when it is that you eat and how often you eat. You should eat at least 3 healthy meals a day or more. With today's schedules that is not always easy or convenient. This is the bottom line: try to eat small low carbohydrate meals throughout the day, next: stay away from large meals in the later evening. Meanwhile remember to plan out all of you snacks during the week and have the correct snacks ready and available.

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