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How Balanced is a Low-Carb Diet?

As one popular blogger writes, Contrary to popular belief, livin' la vida low-carb does include fruits and vegetables along with the meat that is so often associated with this way of eating. People on a low-carb diet have never eaten a more "balanced" diet in their lives with fresh foods rich in nutrients that nourish their bodies with essential vitamins and minerals for healthy nutrition. Anyone who tells you the low-carb lifestyle is unhealthy because it isn't "balanced" obviously hasn't paid attention to what it is all about.

Science writer David Mendosa explains further. “I imagined that a very-low-carb diet would feel limiting and boring. I used to lust after bread and potatoes and rice. But that "carb lust" passed away as I broke my addiction to it. I never used to eat many vegetables other than the starchy ones. Now, I have discovered dozens of tasty, low-carb vegetables as well as many other foods new to me. I'm eating less but enjoying it more.”

So, for many, eating low-carb allows for a greater variety of foods that are better for you. What’s not to like about that?

Regardless of your diet, strive for moderation. You should always have everything in moderation for health reasons, so control your portions and have a variety of food. Just eating unlimited amounts of “good” foods will not work. Healthy diets should include these factors:

1. Diet offers sufficient balance and a variety of carbohydrates, protein and fats.
2. Diet encourages exercise to complement sensible eating habits.
3. Diet encourages awareness of portion sizes.

Related Resources:

| Low Carb Diets and Cholesterol. Research and Testimonials
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| Is Low Carb for You?
| Health Benefits of Low Carb Diets
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