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Water Can Make You Feel Full to Lose Weight Fast

The latest weight loss research shows that drinking 2 cups of water before each meal can help you to lose weight fast and keep it off for good. Isn't that amazing news? A simple resource like water can be a powerful tool to help you lose weight fast without having to starve yourself or stick to a fad diet.

Best Kept Dieting Secret: Drink More Water

Yes, it's true. If you focus on drinking more water throughout the day, you'll not only improve your hydration and increase energy levels, but you'll also be more likely to lose weight fast. In a recent study done over a three-month span, obese dieters that drank 2 cups of water before every meal lost 5 pounds more than another dieting group who didn't increase the amount of water they consumed.

Fast forward one year later, and the water drinking dieters had kept the majority of their weight off!

The study was done on middle-aged and older adults, yet researchers believe that increasing the amount of water you drink can help dieters of all ages. The simple act of drinking more water may be one of the most effective ways to lose weight fast without having to drastically cut calories or use weight loss products.

The Study Results

Within the study, published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, older adults who drank just 2 cups of water 30 minutes before breakfast consumed about 75 calories less, or 13%. All of the study participants were either overweight or obese and were permitted to eat as much food as they desired.

Researchers wanted to take it a step further to test if drinking water could truly trigger dieters to lose weight fast. The researchers began by putting all overweight and obese study participants on a diet. The dieters were from the ages of 55 to 75 and were asked to stick to a healthy diet of between 1200 to 1500 calories per day.

Half of the dieters were assigned at random to drink 16 ounces of water before every meal. The other participants weren't given any guidance about water drinking. After just 12 weeks of this behavior, the water drinkers in the study lost 15.5 pounds on average; the non-water drinkers lost just 11 pounds.

To break it down for you, the participants in the study who drank more water before every meal lost 44% more weight - just from drinking water!

How to Lose Weight Fast by Drinking More Water

Here are several tips that you can use to put this diet trick into practice to lose weight fast today:

* Keep a water bottle with you at all times so that you can drink more water on-the-go.
* Use larger water glasses to increase your water consumption at every meal.
* Make it a practice to drink at least two glasses of water before sitting down to eat a meal.
* Don't let yourself become thirsty. When you're thirsty, it means that you're already dehydrated!
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