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How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight - Find Out the Magic Number

Well to start off the recommended daily amount of calories for the average person is about 2000 - 2500 calories. With this being said the first thing that you need to do is to check how many calories a day you are eating. In order to do this you will to start watching what you eat.

At first don't make any changes but just keep track of how many calories you eat. After about one week of this take the total number of calories from each day and average it out to find your daily average. The easiest way to do this is to use a journal or a log that you can carry around with you.

Once you have your daily average you will need to find out if you are gaining weight or staying about the same. This should be done the same time you are finding your daily average of calories that you eat. To make it simple I will give the numbers if you are staying at about the same weight.

The question "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?' is answer in the fact that 3500 calories equals about one pound of fat. To lose one pound a week you need to cut back on 500 calories a day. Another option is to exercise. These two paths work together so if you cut back on 500 calories a day and exercise and burn 500 calories a day you will lose about 2 pounds per week. This is why people look for a program to help them. A program helps people find easy ways to cut back on calories and to do effective exercise that burn calories fast.

A person should never go below 1200 calories a day because it is just too unhealthy for your body. How many calories should I eat to lose weight? Is a very good question because it means that you're willing to watch what you eat. Once you start watching what you eat you will notice that there are many calories that you really just don't need in your body when you are trying to lose weight.

Being able to watch the calories you are eating is extremely important if you really want to do something with the answer to your question "How many calories should I eat to lose weight?" now that you have the answer you need to do something about it.

The first thing I would like you to note is that you don't need to make an over night radical change to your life style to do it. First cut back on the calories you eating at every meal, avoid fast food "you can eat a whole days worth of calories in a single sitting if you're not careful", and exercise.

Lots of people have read the side of the cereal box with all the nutrition facts, seen the part about the calories but never really understood it. So when you see the side of every food you will be able to ask yourself "how many calories should I eat to lose weight?" Every bit you cut out helps and lastly I would like to note that if you notice that seem to slow down in weight lose it is because you are starting to build lean muscle mass and this is a good thing because it make you look fit and firm. One of the most important parts of lose weight is to find a program that you are able to stick with and continually work at week after week and have the long lasting results that you are after.
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