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What Are The Best Exercises To Lose Weight Quickly?

Companies advertise exercises to lose weight quickly in order to sell worthless machines that will end up in your garage, until your next yard sale.

The multi-billion dollar diet and fitness industry has one goal...making more money. You need to decide what your goals are and focus on them.

If your goal is to look good, feel good and have more energy, then stop stepping on the scale every morning. Weigh yourself once a week and if you lost one pound, then pat yourself on the back.

I know you're in a hurry. Everyone is, but bear with me.

Instead of exercises to lose weight quickly, let's look at exercise that you like doing and that will help you lose pounds of fat, while building muscle.

Muscle weighs more than fat. So, if your exercise program is effective, you may lose fat rapidly, without seeing big changes in the numbers on the scale.

You don't need to join a gym or buy expensive machinery. A few resistance bands and maybe some hand weights are all that you need to start with.

If you have some strength, already, then a body-weight exercise may be all that you need and you have the equipment to do that, no matter where you are.

A body weight exercise is simply one that requires a specific group of muscles to lift most or all of your body's weight:

1. Squats require the use of the muscles in the front of your legs.

2. Calf raises engage the calves and the muscles in the back of your upper legs.

3. Push-ups and pull-ups engage the muscles of your upper body, but depending on your current fitness level, you may have to start by pushing away from a wall or using resistance bands to strengthen those muscles, first.

4. Bench presses can help build your upper body strength, as well.

Any of these are exercises to lose weight quickly. In fact, any exercise, increasing your level of physical activity in any way will help.

Most fitness gurus suggest that aerobic activity is the only way to burn fat. Aerobic exercise will burn fat, but aerobic exercises only burn calories while you are doing them. Building muscle allows your body to burn more calories when it is at rest.

The easiest way to add aerobic activity to your daily routine is to simply walk more. Try parking further away from your office building. Get a dog and walk him every morning before work and every evening after work.

Remember that there are no special exercises to lose weight quickly, no matter what some salesman on TV is trying to tell you. Most any exercise is good and healthy. Just don't overdo it. Spending hours in the gym every day is unnecessary and actually self-defeating.

You also need to be sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet, without it, your body cannot build muscle. Adding exercises to lose weight quickly is just one aspect of a complete plan. It's worth your time to learn a little more.
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