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Are You Trying to Find a Fast Way to Lose Weight?

I think that at some time, this has probably applied to most people. The trouble is that there are lots of fad diets around that try to convince you that you can lose lots of weight over very short periods of time. These types of diet are just not healthy to follow, except perhaps, for very short periods at the start of a weight loss program if you have a lot of weight to lose.

If you do decide to go for one of these fast way to lose weight diets, then please make sure that you are going to be using it only short term, and that you are not going against the advice of your doctor.

If, however, you want to find a healthy fast way to lose weight, then there are lots of things you can do, which will help you to speed up your weight loss.

1. Drink lots of water. Try and have two glasses before you eat a meal and you will find that your appetite will be less than usual. Water helps to fill you up. If you feel the urge to snack, try a glass of water first. Not only does water help to keep you feeling fuller, it also helps your kidneys to flush properly.

2. Eat less at a meal, but eat more often. If you eat 5 or 6 times a day you will generally feel fuller, but overall you will be eating less. Eating more often will also stop you from feeling hungry at any time during the day which will help to stop snacking.
Your body will burn calories during and just after eating, so if you are eating lots of smaller meals a day, then it stands to reason that you will also be burning more calories than just eating 2 or 3 larger meals

If you feel hungry during the day, then you could try to eat four or five smaller meals a day, rather than relying on two or three larger meals. This way it will never be long until the next meal is due and you are far less likely to feel hungry and want to snack between meals.

Green tea is said to have beneficial properties for losing weight - this is because of the antioxidants it contains that are said to help burn fat more quickly. So try to drink at least five cups of green tea each day.

Take a look at what you eat between meals and see if you can cut this down. Even if you take out a couple of treats you could easily find that you have saved enough calories to lose an extra 1/2 pound over a month.

There is no magic way to finding a fast way to lose weight, you just need to eat sensibly, try and do some exercise, and follow weight loss tips.
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