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Easy tips to lose weight without hurting your physical health

Before understanding how to lose weight we need to understand what is excessive weight? One can analyze about his or her excessive weight with height only. If your weight and height ratio is not correct then either you are under weight or over weight or overweight condition is known as Obesity, as per WHO, Obesity has risen up as a global problem in the last decade. And most of the time it becomes a serious issue for people as it not only disturbs your look but gives a lot of health problems like Coronary heart disease, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Sleep apnoea and respiratory problems the list is endless. Now being overweight has become a very common problem, it can be proved by the data presented by WHO for period of 2005-2010 more than 1.6 billion cases of obesity were reported.
There are various causes of obesity; one of the major reasons of being overweight is inappropriate balance of energy in body that means the amount of calories that you are taking in the form of food is not being burnt by regular exercise on a daily basis, this extra unutilized calories get stored in the body in form of extra fat. Other causes are inactive life style, where people are not being part of daily activities which require physical labor, may be nowadays 9 to 5 jobs don't allow them to get up from the chair.

Sometimes people themselves make their lives a bit lazy, like just sitting in front of a television and enjoy eating. In some cases it could be genetic, inherited from the parents.
Well than what is the solution? Well first we have to put a check on all the causes of this problem second take necessary steps to lose weight. Now the question arises how to lose weight, and how to lose weight fast? The best and most effective way is that high calorie food should be replaced by low calorie food, like more vegetables and fruits can be included as the major part of the meal. This helps in filling the stomach at the same time keeps you on low calories so that stored calories in form of fat should be utilized by your body. Follow a diet plan for each day and divide your three major meals of the day into small five to six meals. Indulge yourself in active life style which requires you to do some exercises and physical work. Don't try to strain your body by doing excessive exercise in one day, slowly increase the amount of your daily exercise.

After every meal take a forty five minutes' walk to help you digest your food, dinner should be finished early and it should include something very low in calories and also lesser in amount as during the night time your body does not require extra calories. These are some of the tips to lose weight in an effective manner without hurting your body.
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