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Easy Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

Losing weight is easy and in fact it is sheer common sense. If you consistently use up more calories than you consume, you will over a period of time lose weight naturally. Of course you know that. I said it is sheer common sense, didn't I? Then why are you not losing weight? It is because you are not dedicated enough to do so. So, from now on, make a commitment to lose weight and stick to it. Here are some ways in which you can lose weight naturally and easily.

a) Instead of doing traditional long duration cardio exercises, opt to perform High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) instead for 2 to 3 times per week on alternate days to increase metabolic rate. In between days, you can carry on with your long duration cardio exercises. If you do not know how to perform HIIT, you can search the internet and you will find many articles on HIIT.

b) Read the labels of low-fat or fat-free products. This is because many of these products contain high carbohydrates. Although you may be eating low fat products, you may be eating extra calories in the form of simple carbohydrates. Better yet, eat natural food and avoid pre-packaged foodstuff which are usually high in carbs, sugar and even transfat.

c) Increase consumption of lean protein to increase your metabolic rate, increase anabolic hormones and prevent muscle loss. Protein also helps to keep you feeling full, so will prevent you from compulsive eating.

d) Reduce drastically your intake of saturated fats and replace them with polyunsaturated fats such as flax oil and monounsaturated fats such as olive oil and avocados. Studies have also shown that omega-3 oils from fishes like cod, flounder, haddock, monkfish, perch, red snapper, sea bass, salmon and tuna may help improve health and help you lose weight. However, eat them sparingly as they also contain fat calories.

e) Drink at least plenty of water to keep you full and help you to liberate fat stores to be burned as energy. Water consumption is often overlooked as part of weight loss.

f) Eat more fibrous vegetables to improve digestion and improve weight loss. Increasing fiber intake from leafy vegetables adds fiber, minerals and vitamins. Since they are low in calories, they contribute a lot to your weight loss plan and at the same time, they add bulk to your diet thus reducing your appetite.

g) Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day instead of the usual 3 large meals. Distributing your food throughout the day improves nutrient absorption, prevent blood sugar fluctuations and decrease fat-storing hormones and enzymes.

h) Avoid alcohol as alcohol in itself is high in empty calories the calories are easily metabolized and stored as fat. When you drink alcohol with your meal, your body will metabolize the alcohol first. The rest of the calories from your meal and the excess alcohol calories will be stored as, what else but fat.

If you simply follow the ways to lose weight outlined above consistently and reduce your calorie consumption, you will surely lose weight steadily and naturally. It is easy to lose weight isn't it?
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