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How to Lose Weight Safely And Effectively

How can you lose weight safely and effectively? I will answer that question in this article, and yes you can rest assured that this is not a waste of your time. Very well then let's take it from the top.

Step one is always knowledge. Know whether you need to lose some weight or not. This might sound funny but believe me, it is very important, remember people we are not just talking about how to lose weight but we are talking about how to reduce bodyfat safely.

So you need to know is there a need for you to drop some fat. The only trusted way is to calculate your BMI or Body mass index.

If and only if your BMI indicates you are overweight or obese then you know you need to reduce your weight.

Second step, once you know what you need to do it comes to how to do. Similarly now you know you need to get in shape, but how to do it.

The first approach in losing weight is modifying your lifestyle. This is the only safest way to lose weight and this will take a lot of determination and hard work. Modifying lifestyle Includes changing diet, changing your workout program and also changing your attitude towards things.

Diet Habits

It is said that a person can be defined by what he/she eats, if you overeat then it shows on you, you cannot hide it no matter how much you try. So first thing change what you are eating to what you need to eat. To achieve this again science comes to the rescue, calculate the calories that is needed for you, this can be done by asking a doctor or other medical personnel.

Once you know how much calories you need, then take off 500 calories from that, the new calorie number becomes your diet. This Means if your calorie need is 2,200 Kcals then deduct 500kcals from it, this will give you a daily requirement of 1700 kcals.

This is necessary because it helps your body use the stored fat for the calories needed to perform the activities, this means you burn fat. To calculate the calories you don't have worry, the number of calories of any food is available on Internet, just make note of regular things you eat and calculate the calories.

Next is exercise, it does not mean you need to strain your entire body to exhaustion. Combination of exercises produces very favourable results. In your workout regimen it is advisable to include muscle building exercise and also cardio workouts.

Cardio workouts are considered the best to lose weight and this has to be done for at least a period of 40 - 50 min 4 to 5 times a week. Only then you can expect to lose some weight.

Cardio exercise should be coupled with muscle building exercise this helps to give a nice shape to your body making you fit and fine.

Lastly, changing attitude towards life means stop being a couch potato, go out and enjoy the beauty of life, go out in the evenings, enjoy the outdoor activities with your friends. This will not only make you lose weight but will make you happy and proud that you lost that excess of kilos stored in your body.
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