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Learn The Best Ways To Lose Weight Fast

You are about to read quite a few of the best ways to lose weight fast, but first, there is an important warning. Statistics clearly demonstrate that people who get rid of a lot of pounds in very short order, are a lot more likely to gain it back quickly, compared to individuals who lose weight quite slowly.

Is your goal to maintain your weight loss, once you achieve it? If so, you will have to create a mind set, effective right now, that you are not going on a diet. No, you are totally changing your diet and your lifestyle. That is how you will stay fit.

If you are willing to stop eating all the fake and processed foods you are currently eating, and replace them with organic, real food, you will see a big difference in your body size. Are you are willing to quit drinking alcohol, except for a glass of red wine with dinner? It is very difficult to lose weight permanently and continue to drink.

Instead, you should drink purified water or green tea that you brew yourself, made with purified water. You should sweeten it with stevia, which is available in any health food store.

One of the things you should do is to make an appointment for a series of colonic irrigation treatments. It detoxes your colon and can clean out several pounds of hardened crud that is currently blocking up the walls of your intestines, preventing your body from getting the nourishment available from whatever you are eating. You will have much fewer food cravings, as a result of your body not crying out for nourishment.

You also need to detox your primary fat burning organ, your liver. It probably is using almost all of its resources dealing with massive amounts of toxins in your body. But a few coffee enemas can change all that, and get your metabolism back up to where it should be. Do a Google search for, coffee enemas, for more information.

A great way to kick start your quick weight loss is to go on a 10 day juice fast. You need to get a juicer and always use fresh organic vegetables, drinking it as soon as you make the juice. You will burn much more fat than if you went on a water fast, and your body will have the nutrients it needs, as well.

If you exercise as little as 10 minutes a day, with a routine called, surge training, you will burn for 24 hours. You simply run your fastest for 30 seconds and then stop to try to catch your breath for 30 seconds. Then keep alternating, for a total of 10 to 34 minutes, but do not go any longer. Now you know the best ways to lose weight fast.
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