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The Fasting Diet to Lose Weight

I wanted to talk to you about the fasting diet to lose weight. There are a lot of people out there that struggle with losing weight because they can eat the foods they love. Well, there is another ...

I wanted to talk to you about the fasting diet to lose weight. There are a lot of people out there that struggle with losing weight because they can eat the foods they love. Well, there is another approach that is known as intermittent fasting. Instead of fasting all the time, which is a bit stupid, you can fast only part of the time. There has been a very recent study on this that showed that people would still eat about the same amount of calories on average and still drop the weight. It also believed that people would actually live longer on this diet. I'm going to talk to you about the fasting diet to lose weight.

The first thing to understand is that the diet is structured quite simply. You have a 24 hour period of time where you eat what you want and as much as you want. It doesn't matter if it is bad for you or fattening, you can have it. The next 24 hours will be a fast where you have to stick to water. You're not actually starving yourself since you'll eat around the same amount of calories on average. Or another way of thinking about it is that on your eating day, you eat about 2 days worth of food.

The fasting diet to lose weight is actually natural. Humans used to hunt for there food and they would of followed a very similar diet. If they caught a big meal, they'd have a feast, but if nothing was caught they were forced to go without. It's essentially the same and I would argue the body is designed to eat like this.

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