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DO NOT DO Xenadrine - Lose Weight Safely

You must be pretty desperate to consider using Xenadrine with ephedra. Or even without ephedra. This pill is very powerful and harmful.FDA has banned the use of ephedra because of many side effects re...

You must be pretty desperate to consider using Xenadrine with ephedra. Or even without ephedra. This pill is very powerful and harmful.

FDA has banned the use of ephedra because of many side effects reported after its use. So after this ban, the use of bitter orange extract in diet pills became common to serve as an ephedra alternative. Then people just assumed that if a pill had no ephedra it was then safe. NO. But is it really the case? Lets see what researchers from University of California have to say ...

Scientists of California University conducted a test on 2 diet pills - Advantra and Xenadrine EFX. They found out that both these pills cause around 18% increase in heart beat of people. This is an increase of about 11-16 heart beats per minute.

That is not all. In addition these pills can cause an increase in blood pressure. BP went up 7 to 12%! NOT GOOD.

So the general public perception about non-ephedra diet pills can be wrong. Even these, specially the newly touted Xenadrine containing pills can also cause some health concerns.

And moreover there has not been sufficient study and research as yet to confirm the safety of such ephedra free pills. So right now the xenadrine reviews are not very encouraging.

People with heart problems or high blood pressure should be more careful in staying away from Xenadrine and Advantra. Even others would be better off without the use of diet pills. Diet pills in general are something to be avoided as much as possible. After all, it is your health which is at stake.

In short, the current xenadrine review, specially after the California research is that we are better off by staying away from it. Healthy and permanent weight loss should be the goal in all of us. And remember that healthy weight loss cannot be achieved except with permanent lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits. A little bit of physical exercise in our life is also essential.

There are many weight loss programs and many different diet pills in the market, still more and more people are getting obese day by day. Obesity is an epidemic in the USA. What is the reason for all of this. It is most probably a combination of different factors, some of which might include over-eating, unhealthy eating, junk and fast food, unhealthy life-style, lack of physical exercise etc.

Do you think that there is an easy solution to the obesity problem without improving these important aspects of our lifestyle? Do you think crash dieting, or dangerous medicine are the answer to our weight problems? Do you think you can lose those pounds easily without any fuss and hard work and without giving up your bad habits which you cultivated over so many years?

If you think in those terms, then you are likely to experience a lot of frustration and disappointment while trying to lose weight. Its better to stick to healthy methods which work in the long run and are not just temporary and which do not spoil your health. Don't be fooled by fads and gimmicks.

As you most likely took time to gain weight, it would also likely take time to lose it. What you need is to be pointed in the right direction, and then the determination and persistence till you can finally achieve your goals. For that, there are great programs which aim for healthy weight loss that is sustainable long term.

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