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When is the best time to Eat when Losing Weight

To some the best way to eat is when the body feels hungry, as this is the natural way to tell if it needed nutrients or energy supply. The only concern however, are those people who always feel hungry and snacking on high-energy foods, which is the basic reason why some became overweight in the first place.

Some expert, strongly believe that the best is when the body is at its most active mode, when the metabolism is elevated or when there is a need for extra nutrition. They also believe that the best would be in the morning, having a healthy and well thought out breakfast will keep the metabolism up and running, it will lessen the tendency of the body to crave food during the day. Remember that the body was asleep for up to 10 hours so body’s nutritional supply is running very low in the morning. The best type of food in the morning is Protein, it is a known fact that protein helps repair hair, muscle, hair, skin, nails or to create millions of antibodies to defend against bacteria that invaded the body during the sleep.

Because of the fact that people wake up different times in the morning, it will be hard to determine the exact time, however the guide must be within an hour of waking. Another pointer why the best time to eat in the morning is the ability of the body to consume all the energy for muscular activity from the good meal eaten in the morning.

Expert also believe that another good time to eat is after an exercise or short aerobic session for the fact that metabolism is at its utmost performance during and after these workouts. During these times, enzymes responsible for energy production are most active and energy-storing hormones within the blood are suppressed.

Studies also supported the science of eating or adding capsicum during these particular time of the day will increase metabolism therefore promote natural weight loss.

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