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Fishing for Weight Loss!

“Hey, Wake up … and let’s get going!…” that was the familiar sound of my father. I sleepily woke up stretching my limbs and rubbing my eyes. Though wanting to crawl back to sleep, I could not resist the adventure of that early morning trip to the beach. So, I hopped on the motorbike with my dad and soon we were on our way.

I loved to witness the rising sun, but that was not the reason we were there. Soon the silhouette of the fishing boats started appearing in the blue horizon and I was so excited! The boats brought in fresh caught ocean fish and that was the real prize we were after!

Born in a tiny fishing village, my diet has been blessed with a high source of fish. The fishermen have always inspired me, in a silent way. I loved to see their bare muscular bodies, their bulging forearms and their slim waistlines. Most of them had six pack abs. Even as a seven year old, I told myself I wanted that type of a body someday. Silly me… I would tell my mom when I got back home, “I want to be a fisherman!”

Almost twenty years later, I can still relive those early morning memories. They are so alive, like the winter chill of the mornings.

For years I asked myself this question, “What is it that made the fishermen so formidable and fat free?”

It is their diet and the manual labor of working at sea. Pure oxygen combined with the lean protein from fish and hard work made them so slim and attractive.

I love fish, no question about that! Substituting fish in your diet during your weight loss journey is a very rewarding benefit to your overall health. So, “What is it in fish that makes them so rich in nutrition?”

Here are some reasons why you might want to be a “fishatarian”!

1. Fish are high in protein and low in cholesterol. When losing weight it is important that you build lean muscles to increase your metabolism. It will not only help you lose weight but it will help you burn the fat. So, that’s Fishy Reason #1!

2. Fish are rich in vitamins and minerals. These elements are important in maintaining your body and keeping it functioning at its optimal level. It keeps you swimming like a fish!

3. Fish are low in calorie content. A 3 oz portion of fish contains 119 calories whereas a 3 oz serving of beef is 136 calories. The ratio of fat compared to protein is also better with fish. Fish is 90% protein/20% fat and beef is 70% protein/30%fat.

4. Fish are easily digested. Are you tired of processing those hard to digest red meats? Does your body have difficulty breaking down the meat protein? Well, … there you have the Fishy Reason #4!

5. Fish are edible and never lack variety! Each kind of fish provides you with a different and unique taste. Your taste buds never get bored and your options are suddenly expanded. Suddenly you become like kid, not knowing which candy to choose!

6. Fish are one of the most important sources of calcium. The soft bones of small fish, such as sardines, smelts and canned varieties such as salmon, are especially valuable sources of calcium.

The list could go on and I could probably write a book named “The Fish and the Weight Loss Hunters!.. Just Joking!

Losing weight can seem like there’s an ocean of tasks “to do”. Well, may be you should turn to nature’s ocean itself for the answers!

It has been all “FISH” through this article and now you’re wondering, “Should I try it?”

Now, the only thing that could hold you back is the “fishy”smell. Don’t worry… you won’t smell like a fish after your meal!

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