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The Weight Loss Detox as a Body Cleanse

A weight loss detox is a specialized cleanse that can help you do more than lose weight. You can also gain energy, feel more motivated and even overcome health issues when you learn how to flush the stored toxins out along with the fat.

More and more, scientific studies that are just now being made public are showing that our bodies accumulate toxic chemicals. These can be anywhere from chemical pesticides and industrial or environmental pollution including plastics, fire retardants and more. Our bodies cannot eliminate all of this on its own as tests are even finding them in babies’ blood even before they are born. Researchers are finding that these toxins may be responsible for many ailments from degenerative disease to obesity.

Pollutants from industrial chemicals and other toxins affect us in many ways. Doctors and scientists are becoming more aware that some even mimic hormones and cause genetic alterations. Some toxins are linked to Parkinson’s disease and others to thyroid malfunction. Most are degenerative disease which may not show up for years.

On top of all this, your body also stores waste. When you eat too many junk foods or overeat, your body cannot eliminate the excess fat and calories. Instead, it becomes overwhelmed and burdened and cannot do what it should do. So, your body stores the excess as extra weight and fat.

Even though they are microscopic, we absorb or consume man-made toxins every day while eating or even breathing. This can put excess burden on your liver causing it to not do it’s job fully. This makes a difference if you are trying to lose weight since one function of the liver is to metabolize fat.

You can do something about this; you can wait for research to tell you all is okay, you can wait for the pharmaceutical companies to come up with a new drug, or you can be proactive and help your body with the body cleansing process by doing a weight loss detox.

Cleanse your colon to be sure this main organ of elimination is in good working order. This is as easy as following a cleansing diet by replacing junk foods and processed foods with more fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Drink plenty of fresh, filtered spring water. Then, add a colon cleansing supplement to help remove built up waste.

Your body cleanse will be enhanced by taking certain foods, supplements and herbs that can attract, bind and help remove stored chemicals. These include green superfoods, the amino acid N-Acetyl Cysteine, kelp and barley grass.

Relax and treat yourself to certain therapies that will help your body cleanse. Enhance your weight loss detox with lymphatic drainage, massage, Endermologie and dry heat saunas. Using a few sessions can help you remove toxins, feel and look good and lose inches at the same time.

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