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Three Day Weight Loss Program – How To Do It And Why It Works

How to do the Three Day Diet in a healthful way is a common topic from customers in my Skinny Asian Diet weightloss system. Fast fat loss when we’ve got a special event approaching can be rough, but there ARE ways you can use to quicken the process in a healthy and balanced way. Asian women have been utilizing versions of the 3 Day Diet for fat reduction for generations, and today I’m going to offer you an example of a common method we use.

3 Day Diet Program – How To Do It And Why It Works

Before we get to the core of slimming down within a 3 day period I want to emphasise that you should NOT go without food, or take the hottest diet pill, or carry out any other unhealthy tactics to create weight loss rapidly.

In the long run these shortcuts only hurt you, and they really produce a negative response within your body that will have you GAIN weight more quickly once you stop!

To perform an appropriate diet that lasts just a few days and provides you maximum fat loss I want you to concentrate on a few crucial items:

1. ALL salt, sugar, and carbs are now forbidden. For the next three days you’re to reduce them to as close to zero as possible.

All of these things make you retain water badly, which means it’s possible to lose 5 pounds just from removing some of the water from your system that’s been accumulating for a while. This can take place within 24 hours, so it’s critical to take this rule seriously. No salt, no carbs!

2. Take in at least 8 glasses of water each day, minimum.

To retain LESS water, you have to consume MORE water. Amazing to most, but that’s how the body works. If it thinks you need water it’s going to keep it all over your body. If it knows you’re receiving a good amount then it won’t keep any more than the basic minimum. Drink more to retain a smaller amount, always remember that.

3. Perform a half-hour of this simple exercise to your daily routine.

It’s known as the Asian Total Body Boost, and it’s one thing that works incredibly well for enormous fat loss quickly. To do it, I want you to select whatever your favorite form of exercising is, whether it’s running, or dancing, or whatever. It will not matter what you do. I want you to get a timer (a kitchen cooking timer is fine!) and I want you to set that timer for 60 seconds.

Start with doing your favorite exercise at maximum effort, 100%, full speed, for 60 seconds straight. If you’re a jogger, I need you to SPRINT. If you’re dancing I want you to go CRAZY. If you are on a bike, I need you to pedal as if an ogre was chasing you! After 60 seconds I need you to quickly slow to standard relaxed pace. Do this “cool down” period for 60 seconds also.

And do it again! 60 seconds ON, 60 seconds OFF. That’s it.

When you can do 10 cycles of the Asian Total Body Boost you will shock your body to the highest level, and if you’re going to lose weight in such a short length of time it’s critical.

Diet Tips for Shedding Inches With Asian Secrets

It can be difficult for anyone, but here are a few ideas on fast weight loss. If your problem area lies in your stomach, I recommend you check out these Chinese weight loss secrets.

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