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The Importance of Psychology in Weight Loss

Weight Loss Psychology

A quick look at our collective waistline makes it painfully clear the old equation; calories in minus calories out equals weight change, is fundamentally flawed. Probably because we’re each born with a predetermined set point, an ideal body mass range that typically spans about 10 to 20 pounds and the further we push our weight away from it, the more intensely the body fights its way back. Therefore the yo-yo effect: You diet and lose weight, only to gain it all back once you stop your diet. Most dieters know to their cost that weight loss efforts rarely follow a smooth calorie-counting path. Yet, dealing with weight loss psychological is a slower, methodical process and not a way to lose weight rapidly, but the benefit is that you are more likely to keep it off for the long term. Old weight gaining negative thoughts need to be reprogrammed for you to have long-term success with weight loss. Small steady success becomes the positive reinforcement that motivates you to stay with your goal of losing weight.

So if you’ve tried before to diet and haven’t lost or actually gained some weight, consider using weight loss psychology to help you figure out what went wrong and more importantly how you need to change your attitudes for future success. To change your thinking about food or dieting, start by asking yourself new questions, e.g. “What should I eat to get healthy and lose weight”, “What small thing could I change today that would help me lose weight?” Even asking these small questions, will being the process to make big differences. Asking these questions is an ultra-simple way to bring tremendous change for health & weight loss.

Think yourself slimmer

Our beliefs, attitudes and motivations have a lot more to do with how much we weigh that most people realize. In fact many experts agree that sustainable weight loss is only possible with the correct psychology. Losing weight is often a struggle but it is even more of a struggle without the right psychology. You can have all the information in the world about how to lose weight but without the right psychology to apply it, it is useless. The right psychology will give you motivation, commitment, and help you to overcome obstacles, temptations and distractions. There are also other proven techniques and strategies apart from the questions already mentioned which will help you develop a powerful weight loss psychology. These include controlling your focus, having a critical action plan, forming new associations, developing new habits and controlling you internal dialogue and self talk.

What’s keeping you overweight?

Weight Loss Psychology can help you to overcome many mental obstacles that prevent you from losing weight and keeping it off. For successful weight loss it’s important to understand the part and importance of weight loss psychology, so if you really want to shed the pounds please do not to ignore the influence your mental attitude has in the process. That’s the power of weight loss psychology.

Would you like to know how to use no diet weight loss psychology ? Then click the link or visit jimbrackin.com the talking treatment self help therapy website

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