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Why a Quick Fat Loss Diet Leads to Less Weight Loss

Quick fat loss diets ultimately fail to get results over time for nearly every person. We all want instant results today. Television has trained us to expect instant gratification in just about everything. The world is a fast paced environment and we want it now, whatever it is! Losing weight is not a quick thing to do, it takes time and a lot of effort. Motivation is the key to successful weight loss. Keeping yourself motivated is how people successfully lose the weight and keep it off over time.

You need to set small goals. If you aim too high and have too much trouble reaching your first goal. You will quite likely quit your whole diet program. With diet goals, you want to start small in little increments. Make your first weight loss goal something you can easily reach. Make a list of 10 goals for your weight loss and check them off one at a time as you reach them. One pound, 2 pounds,3 pounds, 5 pounds and 10 or 20 pounds.

These are a lot easier to achieve one at a time instead of just telling yourself I must lose 30 pounds. Achieving small goals is easier and you will have an amazing feeling of success each time you knock the next little goal off.

It took you years to gain the extra weight so it will take months at least to lose it. Cutting your intake of food and increasing exercise levels WILL make you lose weight. This isn’t some kind of maybe it will work. It will work, it has to if you do the two simple things. Eat less and exercise more. Failed dieters didn’t do one of these steps completely. Yes a few people have medical reasons but for nearly everyone else these two steps are all you need to do.

Yes you will be hungrier but keep in mind when you are hungry, you are achieving your weight loss goal faster. People who succeed in diets change how they think about food and exercise. They change how they live and eating healthy becomes who they are.

I know you want quick fat loss and you want to look incredible now. That is the reason so many weight loss diet plans on the market are snapped up by desperate yo-yo dieters every day. The diet plans and programs promise amazing weight loss while you eat steak and biscuits. Fifty pounds in 2 months! 28 pounds in 2 weeks! Make sure you read those little disclaimers. They usually say something along the lines of “this is not typical results” Which means they found one person who was able to do that out of the million who tried this diet plan.

And do they show you what happened to that person 6 months later? They probably are as heavy as when they started. A lot of diet plans can give you initial successes but that is normally just because it was a shock to the body. As soon as the body readjusts, the weight loss slows.

Which is why adding more exercise is required not just helpful. It is the combination of less calories and burning more daily that leads to effective weight loss. No matter which diet plan or program you choose, your dedication and motivation will be what achieves success.

Why do so many people fail at dieting?

Most people just don’t change their lifestyle to a healthier one. Many people are constantly starting and stopping diets all the time. And going back to the old eating habits. Dieting requires dedication and only you can provide that. You must change the way you live in order to keep the weight off.

Let’s look at why people gain weight

The majority of overweight people simply have a poor nutritional diet added to little or no physical exercise. Television has made us a nation of couch potatoes and when you add the stress of family and work, our waistlines expand from eating comfort foods and sitting around at night. If you would just change this lifestyle and start getting 30 minutes of extra exercise a day, the results will be just as great as signing up for the newest fad diet.

The most important things to do to have successful diets

Change your whole lifestyle to include more exercise on a regular basis, healthy eating and always have your next goal written down.

Use your small goals to keep yourself motivated and dedicated to your weight loss plan

Reward yourself with something after each goal is reached.

Track your progress daily

Increase exercise slowly but steadily every week.

Don’t keep changing to a different diet plan because you don’t like it. You don’t like it because your body doesn’t want to leave the comfort zone. Stick with a diet for the whole 60 days and I bet you will be surprised and thrilled with the results. The actual diet isn’t losing weight, you are! Most healthy diet plans will all get you where you want to go if you actually follow them and stay motivated.

To stay motivated, track your progress, keep moving forward and reward yourself for every goal you reach. Diets and weight loss are not quick fat loss and you are all done and can start eating again. A successful weight loss program is long term healthy eating.

What do you do if you fall off the wagon?

You will cheat at times, we all do so don’t hammer your self esteem and quit. Get right back on your weight loss program and keep at it. Remember the goal you are really reaching for isn’t even weighing less, it is healthy living so you will live longer.

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