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Controversy To Natural Weight Loss

There has always been a great controversy about the best diet for weight loss and maintenance. Experts have been debating the pros and cons of high or low protein as well as high or low carbohydrate consumption for a long time. I’ve read a diet book which advocated what I thought was impossible such as an unrestricted-calorie diet for weight loss. It said in so many words: eat as many calories as you like, and the pounds will fall away. Now do you really think this will happen just like that? I don’t think so.

Do you really want to be Obese? Obesity has many explanations and different considerations of causes in people. Several causes, such as overeating and physical inactivity, may be within a person’s control, and some, such as genetics, may be beyond it. Obesity is a growing global health threat. According to news releases issued , about 37 million Americans are overweight and have at least one obesity-related health problem.

Stopping excess weight gain depends on maintaining a reasonable number of fat cells. People get fat because they eat a lot of junk foods. However slim people eat that also, except they know when to stop. Where a normal-sized person gives themselves occasional treats, the obese are always starving for more.
Fat Content, like milk and other dairy products, yogurts vary according to the amount of milk fat they contain. Most people agree that yogurts that are higher in fat taste better, but because the standard American diet is already high in fat and calories, low-fat and fat free yogurts are the best choices for most, especially people who need to lose or manage their weight.

Foods which are high in fiber like long grain rice, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are also a viable colon cleansing source. Not only do you receive the nutritional benefits from the foods themselves, you also gain the benefit of flushing unwanted toxins from your body. Whichever cleansing method you choose, be sure to drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Sufficient water intake helps maintain normal bowel movements so you receive the benefits of your new eating habits.

How to control your Calories: Most any Handbook of “diets for weight loss” can tell you how to estimate your daily calorie needs for maintaining your current weight. Take your present weight and multiply by 13. That number covers your metabolic needs for the day, factoring in a bit of light activity. So if you weigh 180 pounds, you need about 2,340 calories per day. To lose a pound a week, you must then create a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day (3,500 calories equals one pound).

The controversy about the best diet that burns fat does not eliminate any nutrients, that is high in protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Take the best of the high-carbohydrate diet – an unlimited amount of fruits and vegetables – and combine that with the best of the high-protein diet and the high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. The best fat burning diet is the high-whole, natural foods diet. Visiting a natural food store can give you plenty of ideas for maintaining your natural weight loss.

The best way to natural weight loss, however, is exercise. When you combine exercise with a diet plan, weight loss becomes easier, faster and more permanent. Just as you base your choice of diet plans on your interests and needs, do the same with your exercise program. Trying to motivate yourself to go to the gym at the end of the day when you are exhausted, will not likely be a permanent practice. Adapt your exercise plan to your lifestyle and interests and you will succeed.

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