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Can Acai Berry increase energy level?


I always feel tired during work hour. My friend suggested me to eat Acai Berry.

Can this food increase my energy level? What contain in this food that can boost energy?


Dear Yueehs,

Acai Berries have become very popular over the past few years as a so called super food. They are rich in anti-oxidants, which are said to help prevent (premature) ageing and boost the immune system. They contain predominantly vitamin C. They are less classed as an energy food. But good health promotes higher energy levels, which may be why your friend thought to recommend this food.

On the whole, the story about energy levels is not that simple. Possibly Chia seeds can provide you with more energy, because they are higher in protein and richer in minerals. Some people swear by a cup a day (of this gelatinous mixture that soaked seeds make) to help digestion and overall metabolism which may aid to generate more energy.

No single food can really be used to boost energy. First, you must discover why your energy levels are low (fatigue, stress, poor diet, lunar phase, seasonal effects etc. etc). Then, the holistic (and durable) way to promote better health (and more energy) is to rebalance from the soul out, using physical means where possible (nutrition, exercise, relaxation/yoga) and cleansing yourself from stress by introducing more joy and spiritual purpose into your life.

Certainly, eating plenty of fresh berries can form an essential part of a healthy life-style! But there is no need to rely on Acai only. All berries, grapes, plums, apples, grapefruit, peppers, tomatoes, and many leafy green vegetables contain plenty of vitamin C anti-oxidants.

But you also need to look for the other two types of anti-oxidants, found in vitamin E and beta carroteen, which means expanding your healthy food list to include,orange foods like carrots, pumpkin, sweet-potato, papaya and oily foods, like sunflowerseeds and nuts, but also broccoli and kale contain E. So it takes quite a varied diet to get a good mix of energy stimulating elements. Make sure they are all fresh and don't over-cook these foods (raw where possible is best to preserve the anti-oxidants).

One advantage of acai berries as a portion of fruit, is that they are not too rich in sugar, so you won't suffer a glucemic (sugar) peak and then a low (which can make you feel tired) which can happen with smoothies that contain peaches, apricots, bananas and other more calorific fruit. Their sour flavour can also stimulate your energy, on a sensory level, but this will only happen if you have a healthy diet to get you through the day, already.

Hope you find a way to feel more energised during work! If you don't find your work very stimulating, it can be hard; giving yourself a healthy, delicious treat during your work day can help you enjoy your day a bit better. Make sure to try a different treat each day (different fruit for example) or the routine will become boring, too. Also give yourself a lovely meal to look forward to after work, and a relaxing and reenergising activity (bath/shower, soothing music, a refreshing walk, some comedy, beautiful photos/art, or an uplifting conversation about something positive).

Good luck!
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