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Hi Evelyn and God Bless.
I have been able to improve my health a bit, and recently discoved that I have less digestive issues and feel better with a meat free diet.
I am working on other ways to improve and now am looking at what I drink. No alcohol, and no tea as I discoved it is full of fluoride and I have the symptoms of too much fluoride in my body.I have been drinking it since childhood at least two cups a day and STRONG black.
My city water is fluoridated. On a couple occasions when I was away for several weeks these problems improved.(The people I stayed with drank herbal tea so I drank that too). After researching I discoverd both these cities had non-fluoridated water. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Also, where can I get non fluoridated water? There is a bottled water dealer here but they use the city water. Thanks!

Hi Bud,

Great to hear your health has been improving. These things take time, stick with it!

Fluoridated water is a crime! And it is a rife practice, alas, beyond any comprehension, in far too many countries. Water should be our first port of health, instead it is full of heavy metals: it is practically toxic.

However, don't confuse fluoride with fluorine. (The former is a compound made for pharmaceutical purposes, e.g.)

The good news is, were it not for the water problem, you can drink black tea. A couple of cups a day should be fine (don't brew your tea for more than 2 mins, though - other less beneficial substances of the leaf are then released). One limits the consumption of black tea in a healthy diet for other reasons (caffeine content/"teaine") and it stimulates the digestive system, which is not always necessary and therefore can cause an imbalance and a lax brain (hence a cuppa is relaxing but some folks never stop nattering around the pot).

Fluorine is found in leaves (where it aids oxidisation): it is an essential building element for (hard!) structures (ready for many compounds). So it is found in tea! But also other salad leaves and green vegetables; also, especially in certain grains, notably rye, barley and millet, respectively.

Fluorine has a consolidating property, but therefore must work with a counter element which helps radiate its mineralising tendency into structure.  We find therefore teeth are made for the essential COMBINATION with magnesium (and calcium, and silicon). Now the magic can take place. Magnesium has a radiant quality (it burns with one of the brightest flames possible, and is found in chrlorofyll, a sun-catching element) and in combination with fluorine it gives proper structure and prevents the mineralising tendency of fluorine to become excessive (and toxic or useless, i.e. sclerotic. Too much fluorine in the system hardens the brain.). This makes the formation of the hardest matter in our body, teeth, possible. Taken in isolation Fluorine cannot construct anything, and sits as a foreign (toxic) body in our system. As usual, my message is: it is all about balance.

Indeed, from an Anthroposophic perspective a cup of tea now and again is very healthy because of the fluorine, since Anthroposophic toothpaste contains no fluoride. When you cut out extra fluoirne intake (also found in far too many pharmaceutical medicines) you need to source it in your food. But this must always be in balance with magnesium (and don't forget the other building blocks calcium; plus phosphor and iron come into play, too).

In a healthy diet, we would like to try to use non-fluoridated water (even for cooking), especially for hot drinks. A tap filter (or filtering can) is often used by the really health conscious, or especially with young children, and babies, who would actually be safest on a very low mineral-content bottled water. It would be nice if we could stop bottling water and adding to the carbon footprint with this "luxury"; but in my book, alas, it is not a decadent excess, just yet!

Interestingly, there is ever less conventional evidence to suggest added fluoride prevents teeth decay. Indeed, it seems to cause other health issues. Good, varied, fresh, seasonal diets, full of grains,and fresh vegetables, with plenty to chew on and stimulate the gums, but also regulate the digestive system is key.

Finally, for a more dynamic note, there is a corresponding RHYTHMIC PROCESS between the peristalsis of the intestines and the utilisation of fluorine in the organism. Fluorine needs a process which moves from inside outwards (hence the help it requires from its radiating friend magnesium, which also plays an essential part in phosphorlyation of enzymes). The digestive tract must balance this out with a rhythmic outside-inwards process. This is what creates harmony and health, and utilises the elements we can find in (toxic-free) natural nutrition. A healthy gut promotes a healthy mouth! But a healthy mouth (good chewing and tasting) sets up a good digestive process. It all goes hand in hand. Step by step, in a most magical, holistic way.

Perhaps, your observations (complaints) may be telling more about your magnesium and phosphorus intake? Men specifically need a lot of magnesium (100-200mg a day). Important sources are wholegrain products (barley rye), fresh green veg, milk. It is a real "brain food" but also is found in the reproductive pole (semen).

Keep drinking your herbal teas, though! They are excellent for all sorts of metabolic processes and support many constructive processes and exudations. (And don't add milk to black tea! But try to make sure you drink organic or Bio-dynamic teas to benefit from a cup; green tea is better, of course with more health benefits and a bitter edge great for the digestion).

Keep taking good of yourself, Bud!
Love, Evelyn.

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