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I am at the point now where I feel I dint need fake meat like soy burgers or veggie dogs.
I am starting to eat more beans. Canned, because I dont have the time to cook.
I have been getting such bad gas I have to use 'Beano'.
Will this always be the case?Will my system get used to beans after a while so I dont getso gassed up?

Hi Bud!!

It's great to hear that you are exploring your vegetable protein options!  I understand all too well though, the effect that legumes can have on your digestive system.  I'm guessing that your reason for increasing your intake of beans is for the protein.  If my guess is right,then rest assured that there are even more vegetable protein options available to you so resolving this problem will be a cinch!  

Usually, as vegans we try to load up on legumes to satisfy our protein requirement, but that may not always be the best approach.  Though beans are high in protein, complex carbohydrates, minerals and fiber, they also contain a protein that is toxic.  Yes, toxic.    

Legumes contain a toxin that is most commonly known as phytic acid or PHA's (phytohemmaglutinin), which are small proteins that protect the bean from being eaten by insects and humans.  Essentially, PHA attacks and disables the intestinal lining.  That said, what you're experiencing is your body's inability to digest the beans.  This is especially the case if the beans that you are eating are red kidney beans, as they have the highest concentration of PHA.  

The best way to address this issue is to either ensure that the legumes that you are eating have been adequately soaked and cooked or reduce your intake of beans and choose another protein source.  If you decide on the first option, then you may have to scale back or even eliminate canned beans from your diet and instead cook your own beans.  The canning process doesn't really serve your nutritional interest.  Though canning successfully breaks down phytic acid, it also simultaneoulsy destroys many of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you're trying to obtain.  Thus, you're better off taking the time to prepare your own beans.  If you do, simply follow the soaking instructions shown on the package and repeat for three cycles taking care to thoroughly drain and rinse the beans between each cycle as some PHA may rest in the water.  Then cook the beans for several hours until they are soft enough to be eaten and to ensure that the PHA has been deactivated.  I realize that this is rather time consuming.  However, if you have a crock pot or cook then freeze a large batch then you will have the beans readily available to you.  I find this is also a money-saving approach as well since dry beans are less expensive than canned beans.  Ultimately the choice is yours.  

On the other hand, if you choose the later I have several vegan sources of protein that you can explore.  For starters, there are several fresh fruits and vegetables that are excellent sources of protein such as leafy greens, broccoli, beets, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, yams,zucchini,  eggplant, pears, apples, pineapple, banana, papaya and peaches, just to name a few.  Also, whole grains are a fabulous source of protein.  You can choose from quinoa, rye, brown and wild rice, barley, oatmeal, wheat germ, etc.  Then, you even have your selection of nuts and seeds that offer a healthy dose of protein such as pumpkin, sesame, hemp and sunflower seeds, walnuts, almond,and cashews.

As a vegan the best thing that you can do for yourself and your body is to diversify your diet.  Doing so will make this a more than pleasurable experience and your body will definitely thank you.  I hope this helps and happy plant-based living!!!

Sunflower smooches!!!

Amirah Bellamy, Vegan Coach, Vegan Fitness Meal Planning Expert, and Author  

To learn more about her fabulous Vegetarian Meal Plans, purchase her infamous eBook 揟he 50?Book That抯 Hotter Than 50 Cent,?or INSTANTLY grab her FREE Vegetarian Starter Kit go to www.AmirahBFit.com
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