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Fat Fat Fat

What's the fastest way to lost some fat?

Ok I know that losing fat really fast is super unhealthy and is not the way to go about things, but it would only be this one time. It's not what you think though, I'm not an overweight person trying to get skinny. Here's the deal, the past month or so, I have been eating way too many bad foods, a lot of pancakes, and burgers, junk like that. I gained some pounds. I'm not overweight, I promise. It's like that baby fat that I'm trying to get rid of you know?

I have a birthday party coming up with like 500 people that are coming! it's coming up in about 2 weeks, I know this sounds bad but I just need to lose those pounds, and fast. like really fast. So what are all the best possible ways I can just lose that fat? and no I would not consider throwing up, that's doing a little too much. But again, that doesn't mean I'm not willing to try other things!

One thing I was thinking I could do, even though it's unhealthy, (but remember this is like a one-time thing), would be to eat half as much as I usually do, but work out like I always have been? but then I was worried that eating half as much might backfire on me seeing that I might lose energy for doing that, not being able to workout as hard you know? I don't know....

So please, don't tell me that this is a bad idea or whatever, just please tell me all the best possible ways I can lose fat.. fast...again, it's like baby fat is what it is!! I do cardio and I weight lift, I am 19 years old and am a male. thank you!

P.S. I know foods is important, so to breifly tell you what I eat every day: 2 eggs with milk and toast (no butter) for breakfast, every day. Then I have a sandwitch with lettuce, tomatoes, honey mustard (lightly), beef or turkey and 100% wheat bread. Then for dinner I will almost always luckily have a home cooked meal from my wonderful mother, something like vegetables, meat and rice. and that's what i eat on the daily. But I have about 5 - 6 meals. I'm 5'7 and weight 136.

Hi Josh,

You tell me in your question which answers you don't want to hear, so that leaves me with very little to tell you that you don't already know.

You ought to realise that your weight rates low on weight-height charts: I hope you are being realistic about the puppy fat (which guys at 19 don't really have, anyway, unless they are obese). 19 year olds can be hyper-critical and social stress (like an important party) can mess with your self-perception. But that is normal and it sounds like you have a fairly good sense of what constitutes a healthy diet. As long as you are sure that the meal list you gave me has not sneakily ommitted (fattening) snacks (what about beverages?). You are right that normally speaking a normal diet after some feasting will return you to your former weight within a month. You would not even have to cut back on the diet you describe, at all (it is just about sufficient for a guy your size and age; kudos to your wonderful mom b.t.w.). (Note: two eggs a day might arguably not be the best for you considering they are high in cholesterol - but opinions vary.)

Then I can only give you one sure way to lose weight super fast - if you promise to do it only once and as an exercise in discipline and self-contemplation only. The throwing-up part in your question sounded a little hysterical, so I am going to keep my fingers crossed on this one!

You could go on a five day fast. If you set your mind to it, you won't feel low on energy either. Even three days resets your system: you purify it in the sense that your body will be primed to eat healthily and process carefully. It takes a lot of discipline, and you might feel a bit groggy on day two, but at the end of day three you should know if your body can take it and endure the full five days.

Cutting down on your meals will be sending the body a different message: since you seem to eat lean and nutritious foods it will go into "starvation mode" and not let go of your fat particularly. The excess work-out on insufficient calories will over-stretch your resources and you could lose stamina and immunity (especially in winter if you live in a zone with seasons). During a fast you can be moderately active (best to keep busy/in motion so as not to feel hungry and/or cold)but it is always best to take on a "religious" mood, meaning you have to motivate yourself, literally align yourself, to a "higher" purpose (than vanity or fear of loneliness/peer pressure). It has to be a spiritual challenge in that sense if not an outright contemplative one. Every step of your life in the end boils down to conscious decisions and that is what such a fast would symbolise.

Increasing exercise could be, by far the safest and quickest way to cope with your issue. For fasting you need more expert advice or at least you need to do some more research in order to make choices about which type of fast works best for you (including vegetable cocktails or not; sticking to lemon juice and water; adding teaspoons of clay or maple syrup etc.) If you only eat around 1800 cals (which is not much for you, but deduced from your example of a daily meal plan) and take a brisk one hour walk, plus play sports for another hour, which includes at least 20 minutes of cardio-vascular stimulation (swimming or dance works well)and take the stairs whenever possible, hop on a cycle instead of a bus, or do plenty of housework (I guess I'm pushing my luck now?) - and keep counting your steps with one of those nifty step counters so that you keep yourself on the actual ball of this challenge, you will also be activating your body in a new way. Three lots of exercise spread out over the day is the key. Keep re-setting/reactivating the system. Lots of fresh air helps too, and early starts, early nights.  The clue to rapid weight loss is a change of attitude. You have to close the chapter on self-indulgence, inertia, indifference and push yourself to new limits (especially mental ones), that is what weightloss represents from an organic/health-perspective. Especially around the year 21, you will be hitting in another year from now. Be aware you will be changing many perspectives on life around then, if you are on the right path to adulthood.

The problem with a fast is that you need to come out of it slowly (a bowl of rice on the first day, a light salad on the second etc) and it only pays off if you intend to stay on course for a long while (one may "sin" again somewhere down the line, but a wild party straight after could give you a right kick in the teeth). Then again, young guys can get away with a lot of abuse to their system (up until the age of 28 when such liberties really start to cost you dearly).

Best bit of advice yet: stay as sensible and realistic as possible. Too many shocks to the system can really mess you up long term. Growing up, maturing, is all about temperance and moderation. Boring! I know. But you'll find out some day.

Wishing you a great party, however trim or less so, you make it to that day. Don't let the mirror or the posters on the wall make you too neurotic about it. Stay focussed on the larger picture.
Enjoy the path to determination, concentration, and consolidation.
Kindest regards,

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