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Wieght loss/diet

What are combinations of foods that increase metabolism? I have heard that there are combinations of foods that actually stop fat absorption. I am a female,51yrs,eat mostly healthy food,exercise about 3x/wk,?high bp and borderline diabetes 2. I can't seem to drop wt no matter what I do.

There is no such combination. Sorry. The only people telling about some kind of some magic formula are the ones selling that formula. With borderline diabetes, you should certainly restrict your carbohydrates. The only thing that'll help you lose is fewer calories or more exercise. One difficulty you're facing at age 51 is a sudden drop in your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn every day just by being alive. A post-menopausal woman needs to eat about 200-300 FEWER calories daily than a woman in her 20s in order to maintain the same weight. Most of that big drop in metabolism happens around menopause, and there is nothing at all you can do besides eat less than you did when you were younger. Weight training will help a little, but it won't give you back that young metabolism.
Sorry the truth is so ugly, and good luck!
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