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Basic Help

I have recently found the Paleo diet via Art D'vany and from there i have found this way of living. Could you please provide some basic advice. I have noticed in previous questions you have mentioned that you would only eat minimal fruit and veg, eating mainly meat / organ meat and most preferably grass fed organic stuff. I just find it hard to accept (probably though mental conditioning of our age) you get all the nutrients from just meat. IS this true and could you give a typical day i.e how much fruit and veg you would eat with an amount of meat. I am really looking for a basic guide of where to start and how to deal with the change of life style. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Well, I can I cant give you tons of information in just 1 e-mail. What I can do is give you some basics and point to some links and forums which should give you much more data to read at a future date.

First of all, despite changing my profile, a number of people seem convinced that I eat only or wholly raw meats. This is inaccurate as my diet consists of anywhere between 35% to 0% raw plant foods depending on my day to day circumstances.  For example in the winter months I will eat much more raw meat and much less raw plant food whereas in the summer months I will eat more raw plant foods and less raw animal foods( I find I get too hot if I eat too much animal foods in the summer). Also, if my grassfed organic  meat etc. suppliers dry up for whatever reason(rarely happens), I might be forced to eat mostly raw fruits for  a 10 day period or so until I find new high quality sources of raw meats.  

As for grassfed organic meats, they are  perfectly fine but I actually find raw wild game to be far superior to raw grassfed organic meats  re nutrients/taste etc.. It`s just that many RPDers, not me, find grassfed meat easy to buy but not   raw wild game.

Here`s a thread on how to ease into a raw palaeolithic diet:-


Please read all the other threads in that info for newbies section above. Also try to read most of the messages on the rawpaleodiet yahoo group and rawpaleoforum. You will find many pieces of useful info in those forums.

As for my typical day, I usually eat 1 large meal a day consisting of  raw fatty muscle-meats such as raw mutton etc. etc. , or raw fat such as raw tongue or raw marrow or raw suet, enough to fill me up(1 kilo or much more?). I might eat some raw fruits(350-700g?)  as well with that meal  or I might not eat any fruit that day at all. The main raw meat dish might instead consist of raw seafood such as raw oysters or raw scallops or raw mussels or raw wild hare carcasses etc.. I also add in raw organ-meats sometimes such as raw liver or raw kidney or raw heart, though I personally prefer going in for raw tongue or raw marrow for my organ-meats. I also go in for whole day fasts up to 3 times a fortnight.

I don`t recommend a raw zero carb diet consisting solely of raw meats as I`ve done 3 trials involving those and I invariably started getting nasty health problems after c. 3 weeks of giving up all plant foods. Many others experience the same. Some others do thrive on raw zero carb diets  but even they get temporary minor symptoms lasting many months before they recover as switching to an all-animal foood diet is rather traumatic on the body . Plus, there are some concerns re kidney stones among some long-term raw zero carbers. Better to be a raw omnivore but just lay off all non-palaeo foods such as raw dairy or raw veggie juice.

Feel free to ask further questions as required.

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