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Low fat diet?

I'm a 21  year old female, 5'2, and 135 pounds. I just had my gallbladder removed and need to have a lowfat diet. I don't eat meat and fatty junk food has been my diet. What would this low fat diet look like??

Dear Jessica,

Your question is very interesting, but also puzzling.
First of all, I send you my loving best wishes to aide you in your recuperation, since it is no small thing to have a major organ removed at such a young age. It has been said, however, by some esoterics, that often this operation occurs in the very young because they are actually very old spirits, possibly on their way to a higher level of development instead of staying on the Karmic loop.

So what puzzles me, intrigues me and what I want to look into for you is why you have been eating so badly up till now? Is it because through food you can now finally (this life time) dot some i's and cross some t's? This is my esoteric intuition.

From a nutritional point of view there are of course some very quick and fast answers to hand you: first look at your fats and know you have (vegetable) oil and (animal)fat;  unsaturated, polysaturated; all have different properties and are metabolised differently. This because the body does not think in chemical elements, but works along processes. Hence, hydrogenated fat will make your life incredibly miserable right now, because it is entirely devoid of "life force". So fast food, junk food (what vegetarian junk is out there though? Do enlighten me) is probably the worst for you. So you need to reeducate and understand what food is going to be doing for you for the rest of your life. It won't get you your gall back, but can it heal you?

If you are up for that question, I have some tips on how to look at fat, but above all, you need to understand what the liver-gall-digestive system is all about. I know people who have had their gall bladder removed, one of 96 and one of almost 34 who have not changed their diets whatsoever to accomodate the loss of this organ.

The reason we eat is so complicated and so intensely personal I need to know more about your current average daily diet before I can make recommendations. Also, I need to know more about how you feel about changing your diet. What will you miss according to your own idea of low-fat? I sure hope it will never mean you choose low-fat products which are processed and disgusting!

What do you feel you NEED to eat? Give me a list of what you LOVE to eat and also some observations (if any!) of what no longer agrees with you.

I'd love to help you more, I just need more to go on. So get back to me if you are interested.
Love Evelyn
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