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How to feed up effectively?

Dear RawPaleoGuy!

I am 40 years old and have a very important question concerning healing diet.

Due to a long-lasting period of excessive demand and poor nutrition, I am suffering from a severe burnout and

emaciation. The constitution of my body is very poor and frail, I am undernourished and have hardly any muscles and

fat left on my back and shoulders, the shape of my body nearly resembles a prisoner just freed from a concentration

camp, I am nothing but skin and bone. I am feeling weak and get easily tired from simple work.

I also believe that I have a wrong diet, but can't explain it, because there is no strucure in it and I use to fail

in this field.

My question is: How can I feed up myself effectively? By which diet can I nurse myself back to health? On which food

shall I put the main emphasis? What exactly shall I eat within the next days and weeks to regain body mass? What food

is a "must" I mustn't do without?

Please tell me your suggestions, what food I should prefer to build up body substance in this emergency. Please also

specify in which form/condition the respective food should be consumed (e.g. eggs: egg yolk or white or whole, raw or

boiled etc., if you suggest "fat" or "protein" or "sugar", please specify).

In the name of Jesus Christ, please help me with your recommendations!
Thank you very much, may the LORD bless you for it!

Thaddaeus Schneider from Germany

"Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me."

(Jesus Christ in Matthew 25.40)

First, you should read all the various threads I listed on this link:-


The above threads will give you all the info you need as to what kind of raw foods to buy, what kind of quality(grassfed or wild being best). 1 thread even goes into detail as to which sort of places to buy your food from.

It should be clear that all foods should be eaten raw. Not sure re the egg-white question. I play safe and usually get rid of most of the egg-white and just eat the raw yolk.

Generally speaking, you should have most of your food consist of raw muscle-meats and raw organ-meats, all either grassfed or from wild game, or at least as little grainfed as possible, preferably zero. Also include some raw fruits, and maybe a little raw veg. You will find most veg to taste awful when raw. Those nasty-tasting vegetables are those with high levels of antinutrients in them so are to be avoided. You will have to work out what ratio works best for you, but I will say that most rawpalaeos find that eating mostly raw meats/organ-meats(80 percent plus) with raw plant foods consisting of 20 percent or less, is what works for them. Don't avoid raw plant food entirely as some people are unable to handle such a diet and need to eat some raw plant foods.

Once you've gotten fully used to eating rawpalaeo, you should consider trying "high-meat". This is usually only recommended for those who've been rawpalaeo for at least a year:-


You may also find this thread to be of interest as it gives a brief overview of what rawpalaeos are eating at any one time:-


Here's an online book which may be of interest:-


I also caution you not to eat all the time. Constant digestion takes away energy otherwise used for healing/recovery. Indeed, some, though not all, have found Intermittent Fasting to be very useful(though most  prefer to eat just 1 large meal a day, rather than do alternate day fasting):-




Feel free to ask a follow-up question if you have more questions to ask.

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