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raw maet

I'm confused about the Raw Paleo Diet. How do you prepare raw meat to be eaten? (beef/chicken) and raw fish as well.. Do you eat your eggs raw as well?  Also what diet would you think is the most beneficial for dental health?

Well, you don't really need to prepare most raw foods. In almost all cases, I just use a sharp meat-knife to cut the meats up into pieces small enough to fit into my mouth, and that's about it.  

As regards other types of preparation, there's a small minority of RAFers(Raw-Animal-Foodists) who follow Sally Fallon's advice to freeze all raw meats for at least 14 days before consumption. However, most RAFers find in the end that freezing only damages the meat, and doesn't benefit anyone re health, so prefer not to do this, and just eat the raw meats as they buy them.

A number of RAFers, especially beginners to this sort of diet, like to try out various raw-animal-food recipes such as ceviche(raw fish marinated in freshly-squeezed juice from a lemon), beef carpaccio, sashimi, steak tartare(the Web has dozens of recipes online  covering such raw-meat dishes) etc.. Here's a couple of sites where you can find such recipes:-



You could also  ask more specific recipe-related questions on the rawpaleodiet yahoo group(see below) or on the rawpaleoforum board(you need to join rawpaleodiet in order to post).


I also eat the eggs raw. Some RPDers are concerned about the the avidin in egg-whites and just eat the raw egg-yolk but this is only a problem if you're eating vast amounts of (unfertilised) raw eggs each day(24, acording to one source).

As regards the diet to follow re best dental health, that would be a raw version of the Palaeolithic Diet. The trouble with dairy, even raw dairy(which is a common part of some raw-animal-food diets), is that studies have shown that the countries with the highest rate of dairy-consumption also had the highest rates of osteoporosis and general poor bone-health - so I can't see how dairy could be good for teeth,especially since my own teeth only became stronger once I cut out the raw dairy from my diet.

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