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palaeo diet--bv

You have been helping me with a diet for bacterial vaginosis.  I have looked at palaeo diet.  It is a little different then the palaeo diet I found before.  I can deal with this one a little.  I can't swallow the food because it is slimy or just plain tastes bad(gag reflex).  I don't eat collard greens or anything like it, i don't eat fish, clams or any of the such( I will eat shrimp and lobster.  I just can't afford it).  I eat a lot of bread, pasta and sugar.  I don't like cheese for the most part. I don't like almond milk or any of the such.  I have tried coffee substitute. Gross!!!  

If I am suppose to eat more yogurt because of the good bacteria, then why can't you eat milk products?  I really am not trying to be difficult.  I eat the food I eat because I really don't like anything else.  This diet can be expensive.  I have one that has to be on low cholesterol and the others are picky eaters as well.  I can't afford to have 3 to 5 meals every night.

I am also 5'9 and weigh 115.  My doctor says that I can't afford to lose any weight.  There has to be a solution that I don't go broke on and that I don't stop eating.  Please Help!!!

Dear Jaclyn,

The Paleo diet is really not for me! I am a modern woman with a modern gut and modern teeth! Not to mention modern tastes. Do yourself a favour and find something more enjoyable!

For you it really is now about learning to enjoy food. Food is fun, colourful, sensuous, indulgent and great for life.

The more you are used to eating processed foods the more your body will forget to use its natural senses and chewing and swallowing will become "unlearned" as it were. Subsequently you also develop other problems (like vaginosis). It all begins with food. With what happens in the gut, but before that what happens in the mouth, and before that what you see and smell! So, you may need to take up cookery classes or a gardening course or something that brings you a new, fresh, inspiring angle on eating and produce.

Sometimes body work can be beneficial too, aroma therapy, massage, acupupressure, baths, music/dance therapy. Meditation and relaxation also have a healing effect. What you are seeking to heal are underdeveloped senses (including the more hidden ones of the overall body and soul system: Anthroposophy counts 12 senses).

You ought to try to find new understandings about food: the stuff you eat is not just a collection of building blocks but every single product does have an element of difference compared to the next one. Even an organic tomato and a regular one is different in many ways: at the level of cellstructure as well as taste. Training yourself to be sensitive to each pepper on display, picking just the right one, may help your adversity to definite and entire foodgroups, eventually.

Yoghurt is different to milk because of the process behind it. Yoghurt is milk to which lactobacterial cultures have been added to  make it ferment. This in a sense makes it pre-digested, transformed into a less "cow like" substance and thereby more easy to assimilate by the human metabolism. For vaginosis it is important to keep to a "base" diet not an "acidic" one (caused by sugars also in fruit and carbohydrates). Hence the importance of vegetables and wholegrain cereals. COOKED meat will do fine, too, you know! Only grill it or stew it rather than use any butter or cream. Raw meat can be dangerous for some digestive systems.

Stick to 3 meals a day. Try to find one product from each group (if not collards, how about lettuce, or green beans, or peas or cucumber or radish?, And yes, healthy should also take your budget into consideration. Money problems can make you very unwell too! So buy cheap and cheerful products. Try to get to a market or a small delicatesse where food is presented in a new way, (don't buy at the deli! too expensive, but become inspired by it and find cheaper variations at a supermarket).
I can't emphasise enough that it will take time to retrain your tastebuds and your mind is now so used to finding so many things unplalatable it will be a real challenge to your will power to make progress.
But you can do it! Just find the motivation and the inner resolve.
Good luck,
Love Evelyn.
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