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AV says cells manufacture viruses

I'm very curious to know what your opinion is regarding this viewpoint that
AV has regarding viruses. He says in his book that when toxicity in the body
gets very bad to the point where bacterias and parasites are unable to
detoxify it then the body manufacture viruses. He also says that viruses are
not living organisms and that they are merely "soaps" or solvents which the
body uses to cleanse itself.

He makes it sound like viruses are not something that are transmitted but are
made by our bodies when major detoxification is needed. If that is the case,
then why is it that the only time you see people with the herpes virus, or HIV,
or hepatitis, it is after they have engaged in activities such as sex, IV drugs
use, and tatoos.

The point which I am trying to get at is if viruses was something that our
bodies manufactured then why is it that you never see people who dont
engage in those dangerous behaviors getting those viruses? Why is it that,
months after sexual intercourse, a person THEN gets a virus like herpes. And
even me, who has lived my life eating very bad, I have never tested positive
for any of the dangerous viruses like the ones above. Knowing how bad my
body has been bombarded by toxins throughout my life, if AV's position was
true, I should have gotten most (if not all) the infamous STD viruses long time
ago, but I haven't.

AV does not really seem to go in depth or offer any evidence for this view in
BOTH of his books which leaves me scratching my head.

Your input would be greatly appreciated.

I'm neither convinced re the whole conventional "germ-theory" of disease nor by Aajonus' claims re viruses etc. being produced solely by the body and denatured food being solely responsible for side-effects - after all wild animals on natural healthy diets do die sometimes of disease. I am certainly convinced that the environment plays a much bigger role in disease than any germs,judging from the data.

As regards the issue of viruses/bacteria/parasites  being "solvents",while various scientific studies have gone into detail, in recent times, re the usefulness of such organisms  as regards human evolution etc., I rather doubt that they are merely "solvents".

Aajonus is primarily influenced by the work of Antoine Bechamp who is the one who made the claims re viruses/bacteria being manufactured in the human body.Here's a couple of links which give some info on him, though I'm sure there's a lot more if you search online:-



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