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Rawdiet & digestion

6 months ago, my father(age 49) was diagnosed with the following:
duodenal ulcer,
catarrh of the Stomach,
klatskin tumor
stuffings among the fatty tissue  of belly(possible tumour)
And a Bile duct stent was also placed.

He has been taking Xeloda pills(chemotherapy), and has injected Helixor A ampouls (mistletoe extract).
But the cure has been interrupted by quite frequently occuring fever.
Though so far it seems, that Xeloda has proven some use, because when the Doctors were changing the Stent for a new one 2 months ago, they said that the tissues were not so hard anymore, and it was easier to place the stent than the first time.  Helixor A has also given him some strenght.
But He has lost more then 20 kilos of weight, and lacks both energy and strength.
But the biggest problem of course is digestion.  Lately hiccup and stomach aches have occured frequently .

I have heard Rawdiet doing miracles many times, but unfortunately I am having doubts whether it can help in this case, mainly because the illness is related to digestion. My father can磘 eat either cooked pork or beef. Im afraid that eating raw food might do more damage, than good.

I would really like to know, what do You think about this matter. Could primal diet be helpful and in wich form?
Thank you!


(Bear in mind that I don't claim to be either a doctor or a diet-guru so can't give any concrete advice re this, so please take this into account, before reading further):-

Generally-speaking, people on raw diets are discouraged from taking any extra medication, as it can often interfere with the process of healing. Naturally, some people are  completely dependent on certain types of medication(eg:- insulin for type-1 diabetics etc.) so sometimes compromises can be reached - but I seriously doubt that someone could  recover fully at the usual rate/speed on a raw diet while simultaneously also undergoing chemotherapy, given the well-known damaging effects of the chemotherapy/radiation - especially since chemotherapy seems to harm the patients' digestion as a side-effect.

As for the comment re digestion, I should mention that raw-food is actually easier on the digestive-system than cooked-/highly-processed foods. There is, of course,  a short period of adjustment, usually involving a slight detox, when transitioning from cooked- to raw-animal-food(in my own case, for example, I had an episode of green-coloured diarrhea for the first couple of days, until my body adjusted).

There are a couple of  things to watch out for on a raw-diet, as well. Some people find out that a part of the reason for their illnesses on modern diets was due to a previously undiscovered  food-allergy/food-intolerance,(food-intolerance to raw dairy is quite common for rawists, for example) - so it's wise to experiment with a wide variety of raw foods to see what works best. Also, many people find that, after years of deterioration on cooked-food diets, that they need to supplement their diet with extra enzyme-/bacteria supplements as well, in the beginning to make up for deficiencies(In my own case, I found it easier on my digestion if I aged my meat so as to get extra bacteria via that method).

Re raw-meat digestibility:- In my own case, I spent the last 10 years before my diet having increasingly painful stomach-aches whenever I ate any cooked-animal-food whatsoever, sometimes having to double-up in agony from the effects. Raw-meat(though not raw dairy) was much easier on my system, and was very easy to digest, by comparison, with my stomach-aches fading away to nothing.
(Incidentally, I should mention that many rawist-beginners find raw organ-meats easier to digest than raw muscle-meats(organ-meats include liver, kidney, tongue, heart, brains, suet, marrow, hide-fat etc).It's also a very good idea to go for organic, grass-fed meats/organ-meats - high-quality food is a must, even if the food you buy is eaten raw).

I realise that it can be very difficult for people to get used to the idea of eating raw, especially since scientists and doctors all spout all sorts of rubbish, nowadays,  re raw-animal-food diets suppsoedly killing people after just one mouthful etc., so I have a few suggestions for your father to try out, at first. Some raw-food newbies start by eating their meats lightly-cooked with some extra (processed) sauces added. Then they reduce the cooking-temperature by 1 degree celsius/fahrenheit every few days/weeks/months, as they get used to each stage(while also reducing the amounts of processed sauces) , until eventually they  get used to eating raw meats at room-temperature without any processed sauces added(you can always add raw spices as well, but my experience is that spices can irritate the stomach-lining causing discomfort for those raw-food-newbies with an already-wrecked digestive system).

In order to get over the fear of raw-animal-foods, it would be an excellent idea for your father to try eating some raw steak-tartare or perhaps some sashimi(ie raw fish). Japanese Sashimi restaurants are all over the place, these days, and they are expected to take stringent precautions  re the quality/freshness of the raw fish, so there's nothing to worry about re this. Other than that, while it's perfectly possible that your father can handle raw beef/raw pork better than the cooked-versions, it might well be an idea to experiment with a wider variety of raw-animal-foods such as raw shellfish, raw bone-marrow, raw (organic/free-range) eggs etc. etc.

I have two other suggestions, in the meantime. I would suggest that you contact Aajonus at his e-mail-address([email protected], I think?) and ask for his opinion. He does charge for his advice but he has, (unlike me), a great deal of experience with former cancer-sufferers, and might be able to give further relevant advice - I notice that, on his testimonials' page, there are a number of people reporting that they were cured of cancer while on his diet).

You might also consider posting similiar queries to one of the 3 main raw-animal-food Yahoo groups online(their website-addresses are shown in my signature, below, but you have to join before posting). There may well be former cancer-sufferers online who can give further specific advice - after all cancer has been mentioned on several occasions by some members.

Hope This Helps,

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