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healthy eating

hey there im a 15 year old guy and i love to eat food and im over weight i way 280 about and i was wondering what are some fun and easy ways to loose weight fast

Hello Corey,
First, sorry for such a late reply.  I was on vacation, but forgot to let this site know.

Your question is pretty much like "do you know where the fountain of youth is?".  If anyone knew the answer to your question, it would be equal to a miracle.  But that should not keep you from getting as close as possible.

First, your subject line "healthy eating" let's me know you know what you need to do - there's all kinds of info on it.  But you don't want to do it, which is how most of us feel.  There are just so, so many goodies and so much time to eat!  We don't have to burn off 100 calories in search of 105 calories to eat anymore.  And to make it worse, the kinds of food we have available 24/7 aren't meat and vegetables, they are tons and tons of carbs.  An emergency weight gain environment.

The most important thing, and nothing will work if you do not give it up, is to eliminate the words "lose weight fast".  If that is your goal, I assure you there is no "fun" involved and that you will not lose weight for more than a short time, if at all.  You may be surprised at how fast you can shed the pounds when you figure out the right way to do it, but "fast" or any other time limit should not be entering your mind when you are figuring out how to lose weight.  It really will sabotage your chances.  

1.  Be active, not passive.  A big advantage you have is that you are 15, and way ahead of most of us as far as even realizing there is a problem that you want to solve.  And even more, a 15 year old guy has lots of energy and strength at his disposal, which can be a recipe for fun.  You can use your desire to lose weight as an opportunity to improve your skills or learn some new ones.  So, if there anything you like to do that requires moving or being active, do more of that.  You'd be surprised how much fun activities end up being at the bottom of your time spent because they are "optional", when really they are the heart of the matter.  Or are there any activities that you would like to try?  Write down all the activities you think are cool, don't worry about possibility at first.  Biking, fencing, boxing, gardening (yes, gardening for guys is cool), kite flying, surfing, boogey boarding, skiing, golfing, going to a batting cage (even if baseball isn't in the picture), shooting at a pistol range (with parents), hiking, kayaking, collecting stones, bird watching - in short anything except eating and sitting.  And eating while standing.  Your new activity will provide the fun part of your goal. I promise.  Just use *your* imagination.

Losing weight does mean changes in what you are eating.  This can be hard, but doesn't have to be.  Again, you have to use your head and think and plan to be prepared.  Losing weight is not for the weak.  It can be like a full time job.  So gear up!

You may have seen that I like low carbing to lose weight.  It works for me and I do believe that cutting carbs puts us back on track to how our bodies were meant to eat, like we have been eating for most of human time on earth.  Plus, it will be very, very good for you to learn about carbs since at your weight you are in great danger of getting diabetes.  This is the serious side of weighing 280 pounds.  At 15 you may not be thinking of health stuff, and this may not push you to lose weight now.  But I assure you in 5 years or so, it will matter to you greatly.  So why not catch it ahead of time?  At 15 you are ahead of the wave.  

2.  Read ingredient labels, delete foods containing corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup.  Take easy steps first.  Don't worry so much about fats or amount of food.  Deal with one thing at a time and that thing is sugar.  Don't eat *anything* with corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, or anything that looks like super sugar.  Again, this is thinking time.  Learn the drill and read the labels.  You will be surprised at how many foods this eliminates.  These are the foods that are working against your goal - so kick them to the curb!  Substitute these food with fruits (yes, I have to mention them and someday you will learn to really appreciate just how sweet they are), berries, nuts, celery with cream cheese or peanut butter, plain yogurt, or natural or home made goodies.  Learn how to bake if there is no one in your family who can bake or buy it yourself or ask your parents to.  It will cost more, but it is imperative that you delete, delete, delete corn syrups from your diet.  Frankly, you will just end up eating less without even knowing it.  That's one of the good things about having to buy real food - it costs real money and you just cannot buy as much so you end up eating less and appreciating what you are eating.  If something costs a buck, you can snarf it down in a few seconds and who cares?  But if you spent 5 bucks, you are going to savor it and give your stomach and brain time to realize that you have eaten something and to turn on the "you are full" sign.

These two steps, figuring out your fun activities (emphasis on "active") and cutting out foods with corn syrups will likely get you going strong.  Once you have made progress with these two critical steps, you will be ready to tighten up and add more skills.  At that point, write me or someone else back for suggestions or for books to read (with no potato chips at your side ;- )

Summing up:

1.  Be active, not passive.

2.  Delete food containing corn syrups or anything that sounds like a super sugar concoction.

I wish you well, and early success.
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