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I really did take to the idea of high-meat eating and ask you for some more info on this point.
First, it is necessary to put meat in the vacuum-sealed jar and keep it in the fridge... Should one put the whole gob or cut the meat to small pieces? What are the proportions of meat and jar capacity (how much air should be left)?
Also, how often should one consume high-meat for the best health benefit? Can someone overdo of it? Is it permanent practice?
For how long should one air the jar? Is it enough just to open the jar and then immediately put it back to fringe?
And, what the final product must be look like? Slimy in a way?
thank you for your help,

(By the way, I read some of your recent posts on one of the raw, paleolithic diet Yahoo groups. I ought to mention that grain(eg:- buckwheat) and raw dairy can be a serious health problem for many people. Certainly, the vast majority of RPDers avoid grain like the plague, raw or fermented, and many give up on raw dairy, as the excess calcium in it tends to block uptake of magnesium, leading to magnesium deficiency(symptoms include muscle-cramps for example). Specific symptoms of raw dairy-allergy often include  fatigue, either frequent constipation or frequent diarrhea, blurry vision, and/or  weight-gain/bloating - though, other symptoms can occur, of course, instead).

Back to high-meat:-  Putting high-meat in the fridge is a good idea as leaving it outside raises the danger of flies leaving their larvae on the fresh, raw meat when you air it, without one noticing - once laid on the raw meat, the larvae hatch into maggots within a couple of days at room-temperature, and most RPDers are not keen on eating maggot-infested raw meat(though australian aborigines etc often ate maggots!).

Cutting the high-meat into small pieces is a good idea as you want the pieces  to fit into your  mouth easily, so you can bolt it down without chewing. It takes a while to get used to the high-meat, after all, so it's best to cut the meat up when it's  fresh, rather than wait until  it's all smelly and gooey. The proportion of meat and air in the jar should, apparently, be half and half. I tend to overfill my jars with meat, so have to air the meat more frequently, as a result.

Aajonus recommends tiny marble-sized amounts of high-meat on a daily basis, but mostly to benefit digestion etc., not necessarily all the time. I tend to need one or two mouthfuls of high-meat to get the maximum effect(the marble-sized amounts have no noticeable effect on me), and it takes c.24 hours for me to start noticing the benefits - and I only use high-meat, on a twice or thrice-weekly basis, for  c. 4-6 months each year or so, on average. I can't therefore recommend a specific amount as each individual has different needs and requirements. I suggest you start with AV's marble-sized amounts, and increase the amounts until you start noticing an effect.
Re amounts:- I've eaten lots of high-meat(c. half a plateful at one particular time) and experienced no ill-effects but I would strongly advise you not to overdo things. I gather that you've only just started the diet, and high-meat is usually only used by people who've been on a rawpalaeo-style diet for at least a year, so go easy on it. for now.

Re airing the raw meat:- I air it for about a minute or so. As I usually put in too much meat and leave too little air, I also, each time,  make a special effort to turn over the pieces of meat so as to expose the bottom layer of meat to the air, once the top layer has become high-meat.

Re sliminess:- Wait until the surface of the piece of high-meat is very slimy, with the rest of the meat being solid enough to be able to be picked up with a fork - I usually get positive effects from it, at around that point onwards. There are some rawpalaeodieters who are happy to prepare high-meat for several months until it's all a liquid, gooey mess, but, quite frankly, I'm not keen on that, and don't like waiting that long.

By the way, I notice you live in the Ukraine. I went to Kiev once, over a decade ago.VERY  friendly people. Must be very difficult to find organic, grass-fed meats, there, though,(except further out in the countryside?). Last time I was there, I found that even the mineral water bottles sold on the street in Kiev  actually had nothing more than tap-water in them.

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