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Fat Stomach

   I have tried a lot of different diets and I've also gone to the gym, unfortunetly... I can never lose my tummy fat... never. I lose fat from my thighs, from my behind.. but I never lose fat on my stomach. How can I lose my stomach fat? Is there a specific pill that I can use or specific diet? Anything!? Please Help

Age: 18
Weight: 143
Height: 5'6

Dear Loyla,

There is definitely no pill. There are also no specific diets for localised zones of fat. Exercise is the only way to tackle this problem. You have to focus on extra training on that area. Loads of abdominal exercises. A good gym instructor will help you out there. Or a library near you might have a book on tummy exercises (there are loads that focus on this really tricky zone).

Just keep working at it, it might take 3 months before you see the first real results. Go slow at first or the sore muscles will put you off. A little exercise regularly (daily) is the key. Choose a set of 4-5 exercises, do them 10-20 times each (or as recommended) EVERY DAY and you'll get a result. You might even find a light muscle tone in time. This is very good for if you ever want to get pregnant or grow old gracefully. Do not overdo it or you'll have flab at fifty!
Keep your diet healthy in the meantime. Lots of water, and loads of fresh veg, fruit and wholewheat products. Of course, keep fat and sugar low (don't cut out fat all together, whatever you do! This can have negative health consequences. Just don't eat "fatty foods"/junk).

Lots of good luck to you. And remember, nothing is for free in life, you need to sweat (bleed or cry) a little for something worthwhile!
Take care, Evelyn.

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