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I am 26 years old, and I am looking to do my first detox.  i was wondering if there is a simple way to do it if i do not have a juicer.  I have seen so many different ways to detox and I am looking for the most benefitial but also simple one... is there anything you can recommend please.  Thank you

Dear Cassandra,

The simplest and safest way depends a bit on what you want from a detox. It is best to consider it a "pause" rather than a detoxification, because actual slugs can only be removed with colonic irrigation and a much longer fast followed up by a very strict vegan diet. Whether this is all that beneficial remains open to debate.

A couple of days of lemon juice is very effective, but sober! and can only be done if you are warm and kept busy, or you'll suffer considerably (hunger and cold!).

But simply not eating solid food already gives the body a good rest, and a clean start for a healthier diet to follow. The most natural way is to drink about 1 glass of vegetable cocktail (with lactic acid) at meal times; water throughout the day, and grape, berry, or apple juice for a snack, half juice half water (to reduce sugar load). Keep drinking plenty of mineral water and herbal tea.

Bottled organic juices are available at a half decent healthfood store. But not cheap, so you may not necessarily be saving much money on a detox. Make sure they are certified and without additives of any kind (aside the lactic acid). These juices will do the job almost as well as fresh pressed juice.

Carrot (with apple or sea buckthorn optional) and beetroot are very good, use sauerkraut if you can stand it, since it is excellent, the cocktails usually have tomato added, which is tastier for most palets.

You can stay on this fast for three to five days. Then slowly start up on solids again, with a bowl of brown rice and some steamed vegetables. Your body is likely to tell you what it needs and make healthy choices for you. Go easy and slow.

If nothing else it is a great exercise in self-discipline, perseverance and self-awareness. Make sure you chose to do this during a stress-free week and take plenty of (relaxing) exercise (walks in nature). Use the opportunity to contemplate and discover parts of your body, mind and soul you have not been in touch with for a long time or at  all, yet.

Keep it simple and decide how long you want to go on this detox for before you start, but remain flexible if you feel too weak and irritable a day or two into it.

If you are feeling particularly brave, drink a glass of clay water in the morning to help "sandpaper" your insides clean. Follow the instructions on the packet of a reputable brand, also to be found in most healthfood stores.

Good luck and may you feel light in every sense of the word afterwards,
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