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I hope I'm finding you in the best of health.
Is there any foodS that you can give a 16 year-old boy to help him grow?wHAT types?Please give me examples.

Hi Jeff,

I'm in good health, thanks, and it is exactly the first question I need answered with regard to your request for a list of "grow" foods. Is the 16 year old in question healthy?
Are you suggesting he has a growing DISORDER? Or else, what part of him needs to be bigger (muscle, height, weight etc)?
All these questions need to be answered before any more precise diets can be recommended. So please feel free to supply me with more information if you like.
In the meantime I can leave you possibly with the reassurance growth tends to HAPPEN and cannot be forced (in any healthy way). Unless there have been great deficiencies in early childhood, there should be no reason (unless otherwise specified medically or determined genetically) for a boy to grow much and suddenly (usually around age 16-17). It is important, then, to eat very well, which means 3 good sized portions a day and snacks of fruit or a tasty tuna sandwich, a crispy lettuce and cheese roll, a baked potato with baked beans: in short plenty of carbohydrates as are to be found in wholewheat bread, rice, pasta and other grains, and a good source of protein (lean meats/fish, 2-3 eggs a week max.Pulses for the vegetarian, or meat substitutes, tofu etc). And above all lots of greens and fruit for minerals and vitamins (hormones need all the help they can get). Breakfasts of (natural) yoghurt and (oat) muesli practically performs miracles for any young male, not only full of nutrition but also great for keeping sugar levels steady throughout the morning and the brain as clear and energetic as possible for studies, and the body fit and ready for exercise.
Further details of calorie intake and other specifics would depend a lot on the type of activities this 16 year old does. Also bear in mind, exercise can help you grow, and rain. May sound odd, but there is an odd truth to it.
May your health prosper.
If you need any more advice you know where to find me.
Take care, Evelyn.
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