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Fight Weight Loss Hurdles And Say Hello To A Healthier You

It is definitely not easy to be on a diet. There will be days when your motivation becomes low, you tend to overeat and gorge foods that are not allowed. There is actually one thing that could keep us from sticking to our weight loss program: ourselves. Losing weight is not an overnight process. That is why most people become discouraged when they cannot see the results after a week or two. And although we know that we have to exercise regularly, eat healthy and just eat the right amount of food, we still get stocked to weight loss hurdles. The best thing to do is to bust those hurdles and excuses before they turned out to be a mantra of failure.

Tips to fight hurdles on weight loss:

1. Set reachable goals. Do not expect a rapid and greatweight loss. Because if you do, you’ll only end up being disappointed thus, making you lose your efforts in eating right and in exercising. Be realistic. Keep in mind that you cannot lose 5-10 pounds in just a week of dieting. Set reachable goals. You could probably aim to lose 2-4 pounds a week. In this way, you could reach your goal and enjoy the process of losing weight.

2. Dig positive treasures. In order to bring good results, you have to know how to dig out the positive treasures. Be optimistic. Believe that you could reach your weight loss goals.

3. Find better excuses.You may say that the gym is far or the membership fee is too high, this is not a good reason to stop yourself from working out. Exercising and being fit doesn’t need to be inconvenient or painful. It doesn’t even need to cost a single penny. Regular exercise should be fun. Start by walking or jogging around your neighborhood. In this way, you could workout with others who also want to lose weight. That would be an enjoyable way to socialize as well as a great way in motivating each other.

4. Stop deprivation. Food deprivation is a powerful way to trigger overeating. By nature, people would go for things that they can’t have. You could still eat a little of unhealthy foods to eliminate bingeing or risk overeating. Low calorie foods are not tasty and satisfying that’s why people who are dieting builds up a craving for sweets. One bite of chocolate and some calorie-dense nuts won’t hurt your diet, so you could still include this on your daily meal. And of course, you still have to focus on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.

5. Fight stress. Studies have shown that stress causes weight gain because people who are under stress tends to overeat. Stress hormones cause a flow of insulin that could transform extra calories in the body to fats. You must learn how to cope up with stress to avoid the feeling of wanting to eat more. If you are still craving, try eating and munching healthy foods like fruits (such as strawberries, berries, and apples) and raw vegetables.

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