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Successful Weight Loss - Top 8 Tips

For many people weight loss is a chronic endeavor. All too often the shedding of pounds is a temporary event followed by a steady regain of lost weight. Most popular diets are unsuccessful in the long run because they fail to address the multi-faceted nature of what successful, permanent weight loss entails. Eat up to slim down. Not only are the Your SELF Challenge meals tasty and satisfying, they include a slew of foods that research has shown may help you shed pounds. Stock your kitchen with these eats for easy diet success.

1. Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. Devote some time each day to record what you have eaten and how much, your hunger level prior to eating, and any feelings or emotions present at the time. A food diary can provide a large amount of self-awareness. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes, and help you discover your personal food triggers.

2. Per gram of protein, pork chops contain almost five times the selenium--an essential mineral that's linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer--of beef, and twice that of chicken. And Purdue researchers found that a 6-ounce serving daily helped people preserve their muscle while losing weight.

3. An apple a day can keep weight gain at bay, finds a study from Penn State University at University Park. People who chomped an apple before a pasta meal ate fewer calories overall than those who had a different snack. Credit their high-fiber status�"4 to 5 g each�"which fills you up.

4. Calisthenics is probably the most targeted form of exercise for address cellulite issues. This is to put the body into a sustained period of repetitive rhythmic body motions, performed over a period of time consistently and regularly. It is by far the ultimate form of exercise to get rid of cellulite.

5. All too often overeating is triggered by stress, boredom, loneliness, anger, depression and other emotions. Learning to deal with emotions without food is a significant skill that will greatly serve long term weight control. This is one of the best natural weight loss.

6. In a recent study, Louisiana State University scientists discovered that people who ate half a grapefruit three times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, even though they hadn’t deliberately altered any other part of their diets.

7. Cinnamon. Everything is nice about this spice. Just 1/2 teaspoon each day can help control your blood sugar and prevent the postmeal insulin spike that can trigger your body to store fat rather than burn it. You can also use cinnamon to bring out the natural sweetness in foods, rather than adding calories from sugar.

8. Swimming is probably one of the best exercises which tones most of our body muscles. Toning of muscles mean loosing of cellulite. It’s also an exercise that does not strain any particular part of the body. Which swim style to practice is also an important factor when it comes to getting rid of cellulite.

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