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Uncover Some Fresh Weight Loss Tips for Efficient Weight Loss

Losing weight can be overwhelming, especially if you have struggled with it for most or all of your life. Your may find yourself repeating things over and over again in your mind:

* I've got to lose fifty pounds!

* I am ruining my health with this extra weight.

* I've got to get up and start exercising now.

Instead of inspiring or motivating, all these thoughts do is frustrate you, which may keep you from starting any weight loss program. You probably know hundreds of ways to lose weight, right?

The best thing for your body and your spirit is to start slowly. Here are some ways you can turn those hundreds of weight loss tips into actual weight loss:

1. Focus on one positive change per week.

You probably know from previous efforts to lose weight that trying to change your entire life overnight leads to failure. Choosing one new habit ? cutting down your sugar, adding a few days of exercise, getting more fiber, etc. ? can help you make more lasting changes.

Concentrating on one positive change at a time gives you time to incorporate it into your life and have it become a habit. It is doable ? you can always change one aspect of your life. Start small, keep building, and enjoy the results.

2. Concentrate on one aspect of fitness at a time.

Just like adopting one new habit each week, focusing on one major area of weight loss at a time can be helpful in making permanent changes. You can start by focusing on adding more exercise to your life.

Start slowly by adding exercise into your life. If you currently don't exercise, commit to three days a week for thirty minutes. Start taking the stairs at work or parking in spaces further from the building. Even these small steps can lead to big changes. When you are successfully exercising five or six days a week for over thirty minutes, then it is time to focus on your diet.

Drastically overhauling both your physical and eating habits can be hard to manage if you do them at the same time. To make lasting changes, focus on one area at a time.

3. Make changes with a friend.

Change can be easier if you have help. It doesn't matter if it is your friend, child, spouse, parent, or neighbor; any support can help.

Having a workout buddy or someone who is also incorporating change into their diets gives you an enormous amount of support and encouragement. It is helpful to know you are not alone, which makes losing weight and keeping it off a lot easier.

Another benefit is that while you are encouraging someone else, you are reaffirming your own commitment to your goals. Even major life changes are more manageable when you take it one step at a time with a partner.

4. Treat yourself as you would your child or friend.

If your child or best friend asked you for weight loss advice, you would never tell them to try a dangerous fad diet or stop eating. Nor would you advise them to become obsessive about exercise and every bite they put into their mouths. Chances are your advice would be to eat healthier, exercise five or so days a week, and be good to their bodies.

It is hard to take the same advice for yourself, though, because you want results fast. But take a minute to listen to yourself and what you know to be true. Don't hurt your body or your chances at lasting weight loss.

If you have struggled with weight loss, you know that "diets" don't work. Instead of following every new fad, use the above tips to make lasting changes in your life and weight.

Give yourself the best chance for success ? you can lose weight, keep it off, and get healthier.
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