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Pick Out Some Sound Weight Loss Tips for Lasting Weight Loss

Losing weight is not easy, especially when you've tried and failed before. A little voice inside your head keeps yelling at you:

* I need to lose at least fifty pounds.

* I am ruining my health with this extra weight.

* I've got to get up and start exercising now.

Instead of inspiring or motivating, all these thoughts do is frustrate you, which may keep you from starting any weight loss program. You probably know hundreds of ways to lose weight, right?

The best thing for your body and your spirit is to start slowly. Here are some ways you can turn those hundreds of weight loss tips into actual weight loss:

1. Focus on one positive change per week.

Trying to institute a bunch of new healthy habits into your life is overwhelming, and you're dooming yourself to failure. Instead, trying picking one good habit (adding more fiber to your diet, cut out soda, exercise for thirty minutes three times a week, etc.) each week.

Your body needs repetition in order for something to become habit, so that week should give you time to incorporate the good habit. Plus, it is manageable. Everyone can change one thing. You then build from there. Start small, and you'll see big results.

2. Don?t tackle everything at one time.

When you are trying to lose weight, the best approach is to make lasting changes in your lifestyle. Because it is so hard to change ingrained habits like going from a couch potato with bad eating habits to a fit, healthy person, it is best to start with one major area of weight loss.

Begin by working out regularly. Even small improvements, such as taking the stairs or walking during your lunch hour, can have big results. In addition to the little changes, add a few days of exercise. When you are comfortable and have been able to work out regularly for several weeks, then it is time to concentrate on diet.

You are trying to change your overall life and health; it takes time. Don't rush your efforts because that too often leads to failure. Instead, ease into a healthier lifestyle by focusing on one area at a time.

3. Enlist a friend.

It is easier to change when you have someone to help! It can be your spouse, friend, child, parent, whoever.

People who have strong support stick with their weight loss programs better than those going it alone. Simply having a partner can help you lose weight more quickly and, most importantly, keep it off.

Having a partnership is beneficial because you have help when you are having a tough time. Also, being the one offering the support helps you keep your own goals in mind. Tackling weight loss together makes change a more lasting part of your life.

4. Treat yourself as you would your child or friend.

If your good friend came to you, frustrated by her attempts to lose weight, would you advise her to stop eating? Would you tell her that she better start spending hours in the gym? Or skip every piece of birthday cake for the rest of her life? Of course not. You would tell her that real weight loss means eating healthy and exercising regularly. It also takes perseverance.

You probably are not as good at taking your own advice though. If you're desperate to lose weight, you are willing to try anything. Take a minute and think about what you would tell your child or friend. Value yourself enough to do what is best for your health and your body.

Instead of trying every new diet that comes on the market, turn the quick weight loss tips you already know into permanent parts of your lifestyle.

If you approach weight loss healthfully and realistically, you will achieve your goals. And doing it wisely is your best chance of keeping the weight off for good.
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