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Creative Dieting - Put These 7 Weird Fast Weight Loss Tips To The Test

Eat less! Exercise more! Fast weight loss tips we've all heard time and time again. Here are a few slightly strange tips with the goal of helping you lose weight fast.

#1: Think small to get smaller. Most of us think in terms of three square meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But research indicates that by dividing exactly the same amount of calories into five or six little meals a day your blood sugar spikes less. Spikes in blood sugar can make you very hungry, so if you want to get less hungry, eat smaller meals throughout your day. Hunger is a distraction that makes it difficult to lose weight fast.

#2: Blue can lead to a new you. Have you ever seen a fast-food restaurant that was blue? There's an interesting reason for that...fast-food joints make a lot when you eat a lot, and color psychologists agree that blue acts as an appetite suppressant. If you want to lose weight fast, try eating on a blue plate. You might also want to find yourself a blue tablecloth, and maybe some blue napkins. Even better, try putting a blue light bulb in your refrigerator. One of the more odd fast weight loss tips, it's true. But most of us can use all the help we can get! By the way, if you want to lose weight fast, you might want to avoid reds, yellows, and oranges. Those shades make you want to eat more.

#3: Wait for the signal. This tip to lose weight fast isn't all that weird, its just common sense. Wait to eat until you hear your stomach growling. We eat when we get nervous, stressed out or bored. Do you remember what real hunger feels like? Let your stomach rumble, then eat. The noise you hear is the sound of victory.

#4: Enjoy some culture. Here's one of the more unusual fast weight loss tips - eat low-fat (or no fat) yogurt. Eat lots and lots of yogurt. Studies show that if you cut 500 calories a day for three months, and eat yogurt three times a day during that time, you'll drop more pounds and body fat than if you cut calories alone. The additional calcium helps you lose weight fast. Give some of the new non-fat greek yogurts on the market a try. They are filling, thick, and yummy. Plus with greek yogurt you get three times more protein than you do with ordinary non-fat yogurt.

#5: Get a closed sign, and use it. Close your kitchen down after dinner every night. Wash the dishes, wipe the counters and close it down. If you have to, put yellow police tape over the doors! If you're eating late night snacks you can't lose weight fast. Late eating is the enemy of anyone trying to lose weight. Eating late at night increases your daily calories. Some research shows that closing your kitchen at night can save you around 300 calories a day. That adds up to a weight loss of 31 pounds a year!

#6: Eat your Wheaties! Experts say that if you eat whole grain cereal for breakfast every day, you are much less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes than people who don't. You get more calcium, more fiber, and less saturated fat than those who eat traditional breakfast foods. Those nutrients are essential if you're on a diet to lose weight fast. We hope it doesn't take a list of fast weight loss tips to tell you that we're not talking about teeth rotting sugar laden cereals like Cap'n Crunch. Be wise, read nutritional labels and and enjoy a low-sugar high-fiber cereal.

#7: Go nutso. You want to lose weight fast, don't you? Then eat a handful of nuts instead of a candy bar or a bag of chips. Studies found that overweight people who lower the fat in their diet and eat a couple of teaspoons of nuts a day lose more weight than people who don't eat nuts. Fast weight loss tips don't come much yummier than that!
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