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Lose Weight With Proper Health Building Strategies

Being overweight can become a terrible burden for you both physically and mentally. Not only are you more susceptible to life threatening diseases but excess weight also places unnecessary strain on the structures of the body. When joints are overloaded, especially the knees and hips it makes everyday lifestyle activities like simply walking up a flight of stairs a real chore. Unfortunately, for a lot of people this is a reality that can place unnecessary limits on their life.

Being overweight has become somewhat of an epidemic in the world today. Sedentary and inactive lifestyles and the ease and low cost of obtaining high calorie foods make it easy for anyone to gain weight. Unfortunately the excess body fat goes on a lot easier than it comes off and many people are looking for a weight loss solution that they can stick to long term. But is there really any diet plan that will make you lose weight and keep it off forever?

If you have been on and off diets before you have most likely found that you can stick to it for a little while and lose some weight. Then once you go off the diet you will gain the weight back again usually with some extra as well. This is a major problem with restrictive food diets; they work at causing some fat to be lost initially but once the metabolism (the body's engine) slows down to compensate for the caloric reduction weight loss efforts come to a grinding halt.

The problem with diets is they are looked at as a short term solution rather than the long term changes that you need to make if weight loss is to be permanent. Going on and off diets is never ever going to get you that strong, lean healthy body that you really want.

Instead of going on another diet try shifting your focus to getting healthy and to improving wellness instead. It is pretty hard to be overweight when you are strong, fit and full of energy. It really is this simple. Start your new self care program with a proper strength training program which will reshape your body and reboot your metabolic engine to burn up that excess fat.

Forget long slow activities like walking, jogging or cycling that we used to think worked for fat loss back in the 1980's. New research shows these things are totally ineffective at major fat burning as they do not tone muscle tissue which is what drives your metabolism. The new way is to work hard with your strength training program and if done properly will give you all the cardio work you need to stay healthy.

Forget diets and instead eat 5-7 small meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Make sure each of these meals contains around 20 grams of protein and the balance made up with raw and cooked vegetables to really fire up your metabolic engine.

Success tips - Focus on what you should be eating and there will be no room for what you shouldn't be eating and prepare all of your meals the day before and take them with you wherever you go. Try this simple solution and you will find it works.
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