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How To Keep Yourself Motivated To Lose Weight?

Most of the time, the reason that many people are overweight is because their mind gets in the way and prevent them from losing weight.

Have you ever wanted to wake up in the morning for a run but the little voice inside you is giving all the reasons that you should continue to lie on your bed? Bad weather, you can always run another day, not feeling well - are these excuses familiar?

Often, we start off with a diet and exercise plan and get so motivated to lose weight. However, after 1 week, the motivation starts to fade away and we are back to our same old routine of eating unhealthily and not exercising regularly. So how can you keep yourself motivated to lose weight? In this article, I will share with you some tips that can keep you motivated:

One way is to take a piece of paper and write down your goal. For example, your goal can be "I want to lose X lbs". After you have written down your goal, you should attach a pain statement to it. An example of a pain statement can be: "If I do not succeed in losing X lbs, I will be fat forever".

Then paste this piece of paper somewhere that you will see it everyday, such as on your desktop, phone, side of the mirror, etc. When you look at this piece of paper everyday, your brain will try to figure out a way to achieve the goal. The pain statement will make your brain associates the pain with what you have written down and it will force you to work harder to achieve your goal.

Another way is to look at pictures of athletes, especially someone that you really admire. When you look at the perfect body of the athletes, your brain will associate the pride of having such great body and will make you motivated to lose weight faster.
Personally, I use this trick a lot of time. Whenever I am not motivated to run, I will look at pictures of athletes running a marathon and the next thing I know; I am all pumped up and ready to run!

Motivation is an important factor that will determine whether you can successfully lose weight. Therefore, you need to train your mind and keep yourself motivated during the process. Focus on your goal and always think of the benefits of being slim. When tough time comes, persevere on and you will achieve your goal eventually.
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