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Natural Home Remedies to Lose Weight - Weight Loss from Kitchen

No matter you are a youngster, teenager, parent or an employee, you are worried about your weight. This is because of the types of food we are bare to. Overweight can affect one's self respect, it is also very injurious to one's health. The extra fat in your body can make you lying on front to illness like High blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack. The causes of fatness or being overweight is boredom, depression, anger, lack of exercise, lack of rest, incorrect lifestyle, improper diet and hypothyroidism.

To deal with extra fat some natural remedies are given bellow that will help you to lose weight.

Natural Home Remedies to Lose Weight

Honey and Ginger Juice:

This is the very effective way to lose weight, the mixture of honey and ginger will kills the extra fat of your body and make you feet. By taking this juice twice a day will help to decrease your weight.

I> 3 tbsp Honey
II> 2 tbsp Ginger

Take out the juice from ginger and add 2 tbsp in a bowl. Add 3 table spoons of honey to the bowl. Completely mix it and take it twice a day. You will see the change in your body within a month.

Honey and Cinnamon:

There are lots of benefits of honey and cinnamon. Although honey puts in a huge taste it has a fit glycemic index, therefore it doesn't get engrossed into the body all at once like sugar. Cinnamon is enormous to stabilize high blood pressure and increases the purpose of insulin. Hence, you lose weight.

I> Honey 1 tbsp
II> Cinnamon 1 tbsp

Boil the cinnamon in water for 15 minutes. After boiling remove it from the heat and allow it to cool. Add honey to cinnamon water and drink the mixture every day. Avoid adding honey to hot water because this will harms the enzymes of honey, so mix honey to the cooled cinnamon water.

Lemon, Honey and Black Pepper:

The combination of Lemon and honey is one of the famous combinations used to lose weight. For better taste, boosting your energy and making body light add black pepper to it.

I> Luke warm water-1 Glass
II> Honey - 1 tsp
III> Black pepper - 1 tsp
IV> Lemon juice - 4 tbsp

Take a glass of luke warm water. Add 1 tsp of honey, 1tsp of black pepper. Add 4 tbsp of lemon juice and mix it well. Drink this juice everyday in the morning, you will see the noticeable change.

If you want to lose your weight efficiently then you can also try weight lose pills, these pills are one of the easiest way to get rid of overweight. These pills have very natural formula that makes you able to lose weight without any side effects.
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