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Handy Tips For Managing Your Sleep Apnea

TIP! Get a mouth guard if your airways are the cause of your sleep apnea. Narrow airways can be opened, jaws can be properly aligned and nasal passages can be opened up to allow more air into the lungs.

Many people don’t realize that sleep apnea can be potentially fatal over time if not diagnosed and treated by a doctor. If you are one of the many people who suffer from this condition, it is crucial to educate yourself on not only treatments, but also the root causes. This article will get you headed in the right direction.

TIP! You may be able to improve or eliminate your symptoms by quitting smoking and/or drinking. These habits can affect your airway, which makes sleep apnea and snoring more likely.

Do you occasionally drink or smoke? Drop these unhealthy habits. These substances influence your airways. Your throat can swell thanks to smoking, and alcohol relaxes your palate and allows it to drop to the back of your throat, which restricts your airway while you sleep. If you find that you just can’t give these bad habits up, do what you can to not do either of them within four hours of your bedtime.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! Eating right can keep you healthy and well rested. Many people may be surprised how much a poor diet plays in the symptoms of sleep apnea.

If you are obese, start a weight loss program. Studies have shown sleep apnea and obesity can be related. If you are obese, even just losing twenty pounds can significantly improve sleep apnea symptoms.

TIP! Sleep on your side as much as possible. Sleeping on your back is attributed to a lot of people who suffer with sleep apnea.

To keep your sleep apnea in check, eat a healthy diet to lose weight. Not everyone equates bad and good food with sleep apnea, but many people have found out that it does play a role. Studies show that people who eat low quality foods suffer from apnea worse than overweight people that eat healthy foods.

TIP! The most common way for a physician to diagnose you with sleep apnea is to conduct a physical examination and investigate the medical histories of you and your relatives. Sleep studies may be suggested and your doctor might refer you over to a type of sleep specialist that can diagnose and treat your symptoms.

It is not uncommon for children to be sleep apnea sufferers. If your kid is acting out at school and cranky all the time, he might have sleep apnea. A lot of sleep apnea symptoms are associated with ADHD, so work with your doctor to investigate all possibilities.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! If you are not experiencing success at overcoming your sleep apnea, you may want to take more serious measures. Conventional treatments may not work for you, and other options do exist, including surgery that results in enlargement of the air passage.

No one disputes that sleep apnea is frustrating beyond belief. Being uncomfortable, unable to sleep, and afraid of dying can make sleeping an absolutely miserable time for those suffering from it. Use this article to create a plan that works for your sleep apnea.

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