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Low Carb Recipes

Do you ever feel like you are doing homework when looking for low carb recipes? You get that familiar feeling of, "I'd rather be doing something else, but I know I will feel much better after I do this." This is that side of us that says that low carb meals are uninteresting. We think of a small piece of flavorless fish with steamed vegetables. Doesn't that sound enticing? Who's on their way to look up the number of the local pizza delivery place?

You can put that number down because there are plenty of mouth-watering low carb recipes available today. With the growing number of people partaking in low carb lifestyles, there has to be. I'm not just talking about omelets and salads. Really, how many ingredients can you put in eggs before you want to throw them against the wall and let out a primal scream?

Quick and Easy Low Carb Recipes

Something that I find quite annoying with low carbohydrate recipes is that so many of them have so many ingredients! I don't know about you, but I'm not much of a cook. I have things to do other than stand in the kitchen cutting, dicing and sauteing for hours. I want something simple, easy, and inexpensive. I find lots of great low carb recipes in health magazines. The best parts are the photos! Just don't be too concerned if your dish doesn't look exactly the same.

I tried a recipe the other day that was delicious. It was crab-stuffed poblano peppers. It's just one pound of crabmeat, half a cup of fat free sour cream, one fourth a cup of dry breadcrumbs (low in carbs), two tablespoons minced roasted red peppers, four poblano peppers, halved and seeded and eight tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese. Combine all but the cheese, spoon into the peppers, top with Parmesan cheese, cover with tinfoil and bake 20 minutes on 375 degrees. Then, remove the foil and cook another 15 minutes. Peppers should be soft and cheese should begin to brown. It's easy, fast, and delicious.

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