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Existent sustenance

Soup Diet, "" Vinegar fast, "" Hollywood cut back secret, "" low-carb diet,"... are on the list. Unfortunately, keeping your weight on the most common eating to lose many of these myths is prevalent diet.

Reach people who are desperate truth of food - especially over time, these myths have become deeply ingrained in American consciousness.?It is a long time ago to lose weight the "right" and "wrong way" to say that the bet had learned safety. Unfortunately, these are actually dead wrong in almost "truth" of.

Typically, these myths are casual, some of the approaches based on traditional, handed down from generation to generation and has therefore little room for debate. However, work on some of the short term, most of them rarely work long term. To make matters worse, most of them have a healthy approach to weight loss. Today, modern science, and fortunate to have found some of the most destructive myths about diet and weight loss.

Myth: It is necessary to note that the type of calories you consume to lose weight is not.

Fact: If you want long-term weight loss, you will need to choose carefully the type of food you eat you!
Not all calories are the same: When considering the types of foods you eat, just remember this, please. Fat percentage of energy in your body to use carbohydrates to approximately 10% of their energy to write only two, your body needs for protein and 20 percent require incredible energy use ... so that, by consuming more protein, you really rotate your metabolism.

"The study, to enhance the metabolism of your body, right about the safety of protein per pound of body weight 8 g, shows that it is appropriate ..." 8 protein per pound of body weight that research shows Right about the safety program, appropriate, enhance the metabolism of your body, you can keep your body - the fat burning and muscle tension. Protein, as is sufficient to improve the quality of the tone in order to eliminate health coverage, training and consumes about 40% of your daily calories.isatori Eat smart gives you the busy way for metabolize with full capacity, helps to gain or consuming proteins

Finally, in your daily carbohydrates should be consumed within a range of no more than 40%, to avoid simple carbohydrates, fiber and many forms of carbohydrate in order to eliminate carbohydrates (sweet) type refinement. In fact, new scientific data from the American Journal of Epidemiology, users carbohydrates (simple sugar carbohydrate, particularly sitting) is higher in your body by stimulating a surge of insulin release showed that response.?

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