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Low Carb Veggie Shiratake Noodle Stir-fry

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LOW CARB Veggie Shiratake Noodle Stir-Fry

This is Shahar's Cooking!

Shiratake Tofu Noodle Stir-Fry
(Transcribed from video) I’m Sandi’s husband, Shahar, and today we’re going to make stir-fry vegetables with shitake noodles. It’s very low-calorie and very delicious. Everything here is about 1-1/2 to 2 cups in measurements. I’m not really big on measurements and I cook in a way that makes sense to me; I use vegetables in portions that I think will go well together.

In advance, chop and prepare 1-1/2 to 2 cups of the following:

-spaghetti squash
-bok choy
-7 cloves of garlic

Have olive oil, balsamic vinegar, water and the following spices on hand:

-black pepper
-powdered onion
-ground ginger
-Italian seasonings

And don’t forget the shiratake tofu noodles

1.The shiratake tofu noodles don’t need to be cooked before you use them, but be sure to rinse them really well and just drop them in some warm water. Let them sit until you’re ready to add them to the vegetables, about 15 minutes.

2.Next, we’re going to add just a tiny bit of olive oil to the wok pan. Then, we’re adding the chopped garlic. Stir in the pan for about 40 seconds, but don’t brown it because you’re still going to add some other vegetables. The rest of the vegetables are going to be added to the pan in the following order:

3.The eggplant goes first because it takes longer to cook. If you don’t cook it long enough, it will produce a bitter taste. Add a little more olive oil to the eggplant in the pan. Add it to the side of the pan and let it sift through to the center as opposed to pouring it directly on to the vegetables, that way when you stir it you guarantee an even mix. Stir the eggplant in the wok for about two minutes before adding in more vegetables.

4.Next, add in the zucchini, cauliflower and squash. Again, add in a little bit of olive oil and where I come from, you can never have enough olive oil. You have a nice little stir for about 7 minutes. Make sure you are constantly mixing the vegetables; you want an even amount of oil on all the different vegetables.

5.I use this combination of vegetables because I’m not using meat or anything else that would give you that same texture, like a starch or any of the other things you’re not allowed to use on this diet. So instead, I use vegetables that you can stir-fry that will maintain their good flavor and also maintain their crunchiness to make the foods a little more enjoyable. (Sandi) You can’t smell it, but already it smells so good!

6.Stir-fry those ingredients for about 4 to 6 minutes. Now I’m going to teach you a little trick. I’m going to add just a little bit of water, which will vaporize but what it gives us is the assurance that we won’t have a burnt taste in the vegetables because we’re not using a lot of oil.

7.Now, we’re going to add the broccoli and the celery and just keep stirring for another 4 minutes. I’m not adding any kind of spices or anything else up to this point; all that is coming in just a few minutes.

8.After stir-frying the pan of vegetables for about 4 minutes, add in the spinach and the bok choy but before we do that we’re going to take some balsamic vinegar. Be generous because in one serving there is about 10 calories total and about 1 percent is carbohydrate, maybe a total of 2 grams of carbs. Make sure that you check your balsamic vinegar because some have more sugar than others. So when you’re buying it, make sure to get one that has very low carbohydrates.

9.Next, we’re going to add the spinach and the bok choy, but before we do that, after putting the balsamic vinegar I give it a nice little stir and the flavor will slip into all of the other vegetables, as well.

10.As far as spices, I normally use very light spicing, but, it is very important to add some flavoring. We’ve already added the balsamic vinegar. We know that onions have lots of sugar in them, so they’re not recommended for this diet, however, powdered onions have far less sugar. Adding powdered onions truly does wonders for the flavor.

11.When it comes to flavoring, ground ginger goes fantastically with the zucchini and the eggplant. If it were just for me (Shahar), I’d also add some cumin and black pepper, but because I’m cooking this mainly for Sandi and our kids, I’m going to make it in a way that they like.

12.Add in Italian seasoning, but don’t go crazy with it because it does have some sugar and carbohydrates. It will add a great amount of flavor.

13.My secret ingredient is cinnamon, but add just a dash and not too much. This is more for the aroma than flavoring.

14.Now all the vegetables are stir-fried together, we’ve got all of our ingredients mixed up well, all of our spices are in the pan and I’d like to add salt but I know it’s not really allowed on this diet. Right, Sandi? (Sandi) Yes, you want to watch your sodium.

15.(Shahar) We want to watch our sodium, and we need to watch our sodium, but I recommend adding just a tiny bit of salt. It’s a personal choice.

16.If you really want to be adventurous, you might want to add a little black pepper, as well. But again since I’m cooking it for my wife and children I will be very careful with what I add in.

17.Next, poke a hole in the middle of the mix and take the noodles after they’re been rinsed well. Put them right in the center. You don’t need to be shy; you can use your hands. The noodles are shiratake tofu noodles which count as a vegetable.

18.On top of the noodles, I’m going to add some more balsamic vinegar; be generous because it’s good for you.

19.Another secret I’m going to share with you is if you are planning to add meat into the mix, if you use raw meat, put the meat together with the broccoli; if you’re using meat that’s already been cooked, put it together with the noodles and then on top of the meat, add a little bit of oyster sauce;- like the balsamic vinegar, check which brand you get, because some of them have lots of carbs and some have none, but it’s so delicious!

After cooking, these vegetables alone in the refrigerator will last for about a week or even more in your refrigerator, as long as you don’t add in any kind of meat products or fish. If you add in meat or fish, it will only last about three days, at the most.

This is just about ready because the noodles don’t really take any cooking. Now, I’m going to turn off the fire and mix all the ingredients into the center of the pan. I want to maintain all the gorgeous flavors and then I’m going to cover it with a lid and let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes and you’re done.

Can’t get easier than that!

Come check out my website for more recipes and other stuff- WeightLossInSanDiego.com

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