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No No To Low Carb Diets

No No to Low Carb Diets
By Luigi Cruzano
I am going to show you the reader why you should say "No No to Low Carb Diets". Many people think that low carb diets are healthy, but better think again and weigh the reasons in this article before starting a Low Carb Diet. That carbs are fattening and that they must be eliminated from the diet is one of the big misconceptions around.
Low Carb diet proponents have basically brainwashed the American public that carbs are bad. This is based on false concepts, wrong conclusions and badly designed studies.
I am going to show you the reader why you should say "No No to Low Carb Diets". Many people think that low carb diets are healthy and prevent you from gaining weight, but better think again and weigh the reasons in this article before starting a Low Carb Diet. This misconception that carbs are fattening and that they must be eliminated from the diet is one of the greatest dangers you can submit your body to. Carbs are an essential part of human body metabolism and are necessary for the energy needed to keep up with work especially hard physical work that we must do every day. No one can really survive in good health without the use of carbs. Our cells produce energy from glucose that comes from natural carbs such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. A molecule of glucose can provide up to 36 ATP molecules!!! ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) molecules are the major source of energy power needed for cells. The body cannot produce ATP as efficiently with any other nutrient as it does with carbs.
The body was designed to consume adequate amount of carbs (carbohydrates - starches). One the biggest proof is the composition of breast milk. Breast milk is over 60 percent carbohydrates!!! And most scientists concur that it is the best food for the developing baby and that there is no substitute. Why would the human body produce milk with such a high concentration of carbs if it was not healthy?
No one can permanently follow a low carb diet without side effects to the body. One can only submit the body for a short time to this type of regime. What happens after you stop the low carb diet? When you go back to your regular diet you will find yourself gaining weight again.
There are health risks also in following low carb diets. There is the risk of osteoporosis. Low carb diets are high in protein. Science has shown that the body only uses 30 to 40 grams of protein a day. But these low carb diets are usually high protein. Some even recommend 1 gram for each pound of weight!! That is preposterous!! But most will recommend around 75 to 100 grams. What happens when the body is presented with so much protein? High protein consumption causes an increase in acidity in the body. This increased acid needs to be neutralized so the body uses calcium from the bones to neutralize these acids. It has been shown that women with high protein diets may lose up to 35 of bone tissue by the same age!!
The Institute of Health and other major health institutions in this country are recommending for optimum health that we should consume 3 to 4 servings of fruit a day.
Whole grains, fruits and starchy roots are a great source of phytochemicals, phytonutrients and vitamins and nutrients not found in high protein animal foods.
In addition, according to the American Institute for Cancer, any low carb diet which is low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains but high in animal foods increases greatly the risk of acquiring different forms of cancer. Low carb diets may sometimes be high in saturated fat. High intakes of saturated fat are a known factor in the development of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and circulatory occlusion to the extremities.
Some of the side effects of low-carb diets reported by those following it are: tiredness, bowel disorders, bad headaches, constipation, and fatigue. A diet that is making you feel sick should be a sign that something is really wrong with that diet.
Here are some tips for a balanced healthy diet:
1)Consume at least 60% carbs in the diet.
2)Make sure that these carbs are coming from sources such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables that are not processed.
3)If you do eat a higher protein diet, make sure to include large amounts of fruit and vegetables and to drink a few cups of water more than usual to help in the elimination of the acids in the body.
4)If you combine starches with proteins in a meal, it will prevent high insulin levels that happen sometimes if the starches are refined or high glycemic (elevate sugar too fast). Proteins help starches to go into the bloodstream slower. If the carbs are high in fiber, this will have the same effect also.
5)Many nutrition specialists have found that if proteins and carbs are combined, the risk of causing overweight problems is eliminated. This also helps to maintain a balanced diet.

Hope this helps in correcting your understanding of avoiding low-carb diets and the need to follow a more balanced diet for health and permanent weight loss. So Say No No to Low-carb diets".

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