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The Paleo Diet - Is It Something You Should Try To Lose Weight?

The Paleo diet isn't a new diet. In fact it's been in existence for a few years now. It's status as a "fad diet" is still hotly debated. The idea behind diet appears to be legit, but the practices are questionable. That and the fact that each year, this diet seems to re-appear in a new incarnation. What happens is that depending on which weight loss fads are popular, the so-called experts of the Paleo diet make adjustments to the diet to accommodate whatever is popular. But the diet remains true to its core. This diet patterns itself to the diet that early humans during the Paleolithic era were believed to have eaten. Here are some facts about the Paleo diet to help you figure out whether it is right for your weight loss needs.

When you are on the Paleo diet, you will not be consuming refined sugar. Fruits and vegetables have natural sugars and these are perfectly fine. You're more prone to energy surges and crashes when you consume refined sugar. Thus, maintaining a constant energy level is a difficult thing to do.

It isn't good for your health as well. Your teeth's enamel is worn away by refined sugar. Not only that, your whole body sustains damage as well. So when you get on the Paleo diet, be prepared to not eat any refined sugars regardless of your weight loss goals.

In essence, the Paleo diet is a diet that imitates the diet of early humans; nevermind that those who think this are not experts in nor hold degrees in archaeology or history. There is evidence that when the general principles of this diet are followed, it can lead to a healthier body. They are at a reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease and they really can lose weight. Nonetheless, if you choose to go on the Paleo diet because you think it's historically accurate, you need to think again. What's accurate is the fact that the Paleo diet has been built upon by dieticians for close to four decades now. And here's another fact: those dieticians all are in it to sell books and make money.

The Paleo diet follows the core principle that fished and hunted foods are the only ones to be consumed. For that reason the diet is rich in meats and fish but it is low in terms of plants and carbs. On this diet, processed food is not allowed, and there are some versions of the diet that don't allow for the consumption of any grains. Similar unhealthy diets such as Atkins come to mind. Nonetheless, if you want to lose weight, try consuming natural foods.

Should you use the Paleo Diet to help you lose weight? Your doctor is the best person who can answer that question for you. Ask him or her about the Paleo Diet's weight loss potential then work together to come up with a healthy plan.

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